Berninghaus, Siegfried
Neumann, Thomas
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft];
Vogt, Bodo
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]
Learning in Networks – An Experimental Study Using Stationary Concepts
Nach Informationen von SSRN wurde die ursprüngliche Fassung des Dokuments July 11, 2012 erstellt
Our study analyzes theories of learning for strategic interactions in networks. Participants played two of the 2 x 2 games used by Selten and Chmura (2008). Every participant played against four neighbors and could choose a different strategy against each of them. The games were played in two network structures: a lattice and a circle. We compare our results with the predictions of different theories (Nash equilibrium, quantal response equilibrium, action-sampling equilibrium, payoff-sampling equilibrium, and impulse balance equilibrium) and the experimental results of Selten and Chmura (2008). One result is that the majority of players choose the same strategy against each neighbor. As another result we observe an order of predictive success for the stationary concepts that is different from the order shown by Selten and Chmura