Originalausgabe 1987 (University Press of New England, Hanover, NH)
Description based on publisher supplied metadata and other sources
Auf dem Umschlag: With a new preface by the author
Develops a new kind of epistemological position that highlights virtue over more standard epistemological theories.
Intro -- Contents -- Preface to the second edition -- Preface -- 1 Introduction: Epistemic Responsibility -- I Intellectual Virtue -- 2 Father and Son: A Case Study -- Introduction: The Gosse Case -- Foundations, Coherence, and Narrative -- Some Interim Conclusions -- 3 Toward a "Responsibilist" Epistemology -- "The Raft and the Pyramid" -- Epistemological Precedents -- Responsibilism -- Virtue-and Intellectual Virtues -- Virtuous Character -- A Subject's Nature, Environment, Epistemic Community -- Recommendations -- 4 The Ethics of Belief -- The Ethical and the Epistemic -- The Ethics of Belief -- Belief and Choice -- Implications -- II Cognitive Activity -- 5 The Knowing Subject -- Theoretical Basis -- Kant cum Piaget: Steps Toward the Personal -- Knowers As Persons -- Epistemology and Human Nature -- Consequences -- 6 Realism and Understanding -- Realism, Truth, and Intellectual Virtue -- Normative Realism -- Subjectivism and Dogmatism -- Understanding -- The Lebenswelt: Cognitive Practice -- 7 Epistemic Community -- Community and Commonability -- Cognitive Interdependence and Trust -- Contracts, Forms of Life, and Practices -- Epistemological Altruism -- Consequences -- III Epistemic Life -- 8 Literature, Truth, and Understanding -- Fiction as a Source of Understanding -- Responsibility for Truth -- The Case of Styron: The Factual and the Fictional -- Implications -- 9 Cognitive Practice -- The Division of Intellectual Labor -- Polanyi and/or Foucault -- Education, Authority, and the Epistemic Community -- 10 Conclusion -- Bibliography -- Index.