> Detailanzeige
Adamopoulos, Andrea
Delannoi, Gil
Ercan, Selen A.
Felicetti, Andrea
Fuller, Roslyn
Hendriks, Carolyn M.
Mendez, Fernando
Mendez, Mario
Porta, Donatella della
Qvortrup, Matt
Qvortrup, Matt
Ríos, Greta
Setälä, Maija
Vancic, Daniela
Vancic, Daniela
Welp, Yanina
Complementary Democracy
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- Medientyp: E-Book
- Titel: Complementary Democracy : The Art of Deliberative Listening
Table of Contents
Introduction: Complementary Democracy - The New Frontier in Theory, Research, and Practice
Functions of Deliberative Mini-Publics in Democratic Systems
Participatory Budgeting: A Brief Introduction
Recall Elections
Referendums as Complementary Democracy
Agenda Initiatives in Comparative Context
Transnational Democracy's Quest Across Borders
Digital Democracy: Past, Present, and Future
Sortition in Current Democratic Regimes
Social Movements as Democratic Actors
Performing Democracy through Local Protests: The Case of Knitting Nannas Against Gas
Democracy as Art
Complementary Democracy: Conclusions and the Way Ahead
About the Contributors
- Beteiligte: Adamopoulos, Andrea [Mitwirkende:r]; Delannoi, Gil [Mitwirkende:r]; Ercan, Selen A. [Mitwirkende:r]; Felicetti, Andrea [Mitwirkende:r]; Fuller, Roslyn [Mitwirkende:r]; Hendriks, Carolyn M. [Mitwirkende:r]; Mendez, Fernando [Mitwirkende:r]; Mendez, Mario [Mitwirkende:r]; Porta, Donatella della [Mitwirkende:r]; Qvortrup, Matt [Mitwirkende:r]; Qvortrup, Matt [Herausgeber:in]; Ríos, Greta [Mitwirkende:r]; Setälä, Maija [Mitwirkende:r]; Vancic, Daniela [Mitwirkende:r]; Vancic, Daniela [Herausgeber:in]; Welp, Yanina [Mitwirkende:r]
Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, [2022]
- Erschienen in: Democracy in Times of Upheaval ; 4
- Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (VI, 204 p.)
- Sprache: Englisch
- DOI: 10.1515/9783110747331
- ISBN: 9783110747331
- Identifikator:
- Schlagwörter: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political ideologies / Democracy ; Citizens' Juries ; Deliberative Democracy ; Mini-publics ; Referendum
- Reproduktionsnotiz: Issued also in print
- Entstehung:
In English
- Beschreibung: Democracy is on the run, and elected governments are suffering from a legitimacy crisis. Legislatures are increasingly seen as unrepresentative. To give legitimacy to democratic government, experts argue that we need more democracy and more opportunities for direct citizen participation. Representative democracy needs to be complemented by forms of direct engagement, such as referendums, popular votes, the recall, citizens' juries, eDemocracy, etc. This is what we term Complementary Democracy. In this book experts from the worlds of practice and theory come together to explain - and occasionally critique - these complements to representative democracy. The volume provides an invaluable starting point for anyone who wants to know more about the new directions of democratic governance, and hopes to inspire those who seek to build stronger democracies
- Zugangsstatus: Eingeschränkter Zugang | Informationen zu lizenzierten elektronischen Ressourcen der SLUB