Getrocknete Cannabis-Blätter werden mit Gewürzen und etwas Wasser zerstampft und unter Zugabe von Zuckerwasser durch ein Tuch gefiltert. Das Getränk wird vom Hersteller mit Gebetsformeln (Mantra) und Ritualgestik (Mudra) verehrt, danach getrunken
The film shows two Brahmin brothers preparing the hashish drink bhang in the ritually fixed way. Leaves of Indian hemp (Cannabis), dried in the open air, are pounded in a stone mortar, with an admixture of water and seasonings, into a thick paste. Sugar is added and the paste is dissolved in water. The finished drink is worshipped with forms of prayer (mantra) and hand gestures (mudra). A part of the drink is given as an offering to a group of initiated Brahman boys. In an appendix the mudras are presented once more in detail