> Detailanzeige
Anderson, Emily
Brady Jr., Thomas A.
Coy, Jason
Coy, Jason
Garbarini, Alexandra
Goldberg, Ann E.
Goldberg, Kevin D.
Lindemann, Mary
Luebke, David M.
Mansker, Andrea
Marschke, Benjamin
Marschke, Benjamin
Matsuda, Matt K.
McEwen, Britta
Polanichka, Dana M.
Poley, Jared
Poley, Jared
Prasad, Ritika
Ryan, Daniel C.
Sauter, Michael J.
Verhoeven, Claudia
Verhoeven, Claudia
Woodson-Boulton, Amy
Zwick, Tamara
Kinship, Community, and Self
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- Medientyp: E-Book
- Titel: Kinship, Community, and Self : Essays in Honor of David Warren Sabean
INTRODUCTION Sabean’s Swabians: A Study of Kith and Kin
PART I Kinship
CHAPTER 1 “As a Brother Should Be” Siblings, Kinship, and Community in Carolingian Europe
CHAPTER 2 The Legal Pitfalls of Marriage Brokerage in Nineteenth-Century France
CHAPTER 3 “Married to the Bottle” Drunk Husbands and Wives in Wilhelmine Germany
CHAPTER 4 A Home for Mothers in Vienna: Community and Crisis
CHAPTER 5 Of Queens and Kinship: Politics and Legacies in the Colonial Pacific
CHAPTER 6 The Making of a Japanese Rural Christian Community: Conversion through Family Networks in Late Nineteenth-Century Japan
PART II Community
CHAPTER 7 Divination and Community in Early Modern Thuringia
CHAPTER 8 Paracelsus: Greed, Self, and Community
CHAPTER 9 From Heretics to Hypocrites: Anti-Pietist Rhetoric in the Eighteenth Century
CHAPTER 10 Finding Orthodoxy in the Baltic: Conservative Russia and the Baltic Region in the Nineteenth Century
CHAPTER 11 Women, Railways, and Respectability in Colonial India
CHAPTER 12 Adventures in Terrorism: Sergei Stepniak-Kravchinsky and the Literary Lives of the Russian Revolutionary Community (1860s–80s)
CHAPTER 13 Power in Truth Telling: Jewish Testimonial Strategies before the Shoah
CHAPTER 14 For the Love of Geometry: The Rise of Euclidism in the Early Modern World, 1450–1850
CHAPTER 15 A Private Repulsion toward Public Women in the Letters of Caspar von Voght and Germaine de Staël
CHAPTER 16 Honor and the Policing of Intra-Jewish Disputes in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Germany
CHAPTER 17 You Are What You Reform? Class, Consumption, and Identity in Victorian Britain
- Beteiligte: Anderson, Emily [Mitwirkende:r]; Brady Jr., Thomas A. [Mitwirkende:r]; Coy, Jason [Mitwirkende:r]; Coy, Jason [Herausgeber:in]; Garbarini, Alexandra [Mitwirkende:r]; Goldberg, Ann E. [Mitwirkende:r]; Goldberg, Kevin D. [Mitwirkende:r]; Lindemann, Mary [Mitwirkende:r]; Luebke, David M. [Mitwirkende:r]; Mansker, Andrea [Mitwirkende:r]; Marschke, Benjamin [Mitwirkende:r]; Marschke, Benjamin [Herausgeber:in]; Matsuda, Matt K. [Mitwirkende:r]; McEwen, Britta [Mitwirkende:r]; Polanichka, Dana M. [Mitwirkende:r]; Poley, Jared [Mitwirkende:r]; Poley, Jared [Herausgeber:in]; Prasad, Ritika [Mitwirkende:r]; Ryan, Daniel C. [Mitwirkende:r]; Sauter, Michael J. [Mitwirkende:r]; Verhoeven, Claudia [Mitwirkende:r]; Verhoeven, Claudia [Herausgeber:in]; Woodson-Boulton, Amy [Mitwirkende:r]; Zwick, Tamara [Mitwirkende:r]
New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, [2014]
- Erschienen in: Spektrum: Publications of the German Studies Association ; 9
- Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (316 p.)
- Sprache: Englisch
- DOI: 10.1515/9781782384205
- ISBN: 9781782384205
- Identifikator:
- Schlagwörter: Community life History ; Community life Europe History ; Families History ; Families Europe History ; Kinship History ; Kinship Europe History ; Manners and customs History ; Self Social aspects History ; Self Social aspects Europe History ; HISTORY / Modern / General
- Entstehung:
In English
- Beschreibung: David Warren Sabean was a pioneer in the historical-anthropological study of kinship, community, and selfhood in early modern and modern Europe. His career has helped shape the discipline of history through his supervision of dozens of graduate students and his influence on countless other scholars. This book collects wide-ranging essays demonstrating the impact of Sabean’s work has on scholars of diverse time periods and regions, all revolving around the prominent issues that have framed his career: kinship, community, and self. The significance of David Warren Sabean’s scholarship is reflected in original research contributed by former students and essays written by his contemporaries, demonstrating Sabean’s impact on the discipline of history
- Zugangsstatus: Eingeschränkter Zugang | Informationen zu lizenzierten elektronischen Ressourcen der SLUB