In: Yan, C., Jiang, H. and Xie, S., 2014. Capacity optimization of an isolated intersection under the phase swap sorting strategy. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 60, pp.85-106
Nach Informationen von SSRN wurde die ursprüngliche Fassung des Dokuments May 17, 2013 erstellt
It is well recognized that the left turn reduces the intersection capacity significantly, because some of the tra ffic lanes cannot be used to discharge vehicles during its green phases. In this paper, we operationalize the phase swap sorting strategy (Xuan, 2011) to use most, if not all, traffi c lanes to discharge vehicles at the intersection cross section to increase its capacity. We explicitly take into consideration all through, left- and right-turning movements on all arms and formulate the capacity maximization problem as a Binary-Mixed-Integer-Linear-Programming (BMILP) model. The model is e fficiently solved by standard branch-and-bound algorithms and outputs optimal signal timings, lane allocations, and other decisions. Numerical experiments show that substantially higher reserve capacity can be obtained under our approach