• Medientyp: E-Book
  • Titel: Book Reviews
  • Beteiligte: Ioannides, Yannis M. [Verfasser:in]; Coulson, N. Edward [Verfasser:in]; Nesslein, Thomas S. [Verfasser:in]; Hohenberg, Paul M. [Verfasser:in]; Jones, Katherine [Verfasser:in]; Goodchild, Michael [Verfasser:in]; Westlund, Hans [Verfasser:in]; Graham, Brian J. [Verfasser:in]; Bachtler, John F. [Verfasser:in]; Walsh, James [Verfasser:in]; Jackson, Tony [Verfasser:in]; Chen, Wenling [Verfasser:in]; Levinson, David Matthew [Verfasser:in]; Foulkes, Matt [Verfasser:in]; Beyer, Patricia A. [Verfasser:in]; Soroos, Marvis S. [Verfasser:in]; McQuaid, Ronald W [Verfasser:in]; Drennan, Matthew P. [Verfasser:in]; Rigopoulou-Melcher, Aspasia [Verfasser:in]; Smirnov, Oleg A. [Verfasser:in]; Morrison, Philip [Verfasser:in]
  • Erschienen: [S.l.]: SSRN, 2004
  • Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (50 p)
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: In: Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 44, No. 3, pp. 589-637, August 2004
  • Beschreibung: Books reviewed: Economic Geography and Public Policy, by Richard Baldwin, Rikard Forslid, Philippe Martin, Gianmarco Ottaviano, and Frederic Robert-Nicoud, Yannis M. Ioannides, author A Primer on U.S. Housing Markets and Housing Policy, by Richard K. Green and Stephen Malpezzi, Edward Coulson, author A Social Philosophy of Housing, by Peter King, Thomas N. Nesslein, author Paris: Capital of Modernity, by David Harvey, Paul M. Hohenberg, author The Urban Revolution, by Henri Lefebvre, translated by Robert Bononno, Katherine Jones, author Modelling Geographical Systems: Statistical and Computational Applications, by Barry Boots, Atsuyuki Okabe, and Richard Thomas, Michael F. Goodchild, author Voices from the North: New Trends in Nordic Human Geography, by Jan Ohman and Kirsten Simonson, Hans Westlund, author Culture, Institutions and Economic Development: A Study of Eight European Regions, by Michael Keating, John Loughlin, and Kris Deschouwer, Brian Graham, author Economic Convergence and Divergence in Europe: Growth and Regional Development in an Enlarged European Union, by Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell and Peter Mooslechner, John Bachtler, author European Spatial Planning, by Andreas Faludi, James Walsh, author Geographies of Labour Market Inequality, by Ron Martin and Philip S. Morrison, Tony Jackson, author Megaprojects and Risk: An Anatomy of Ambition, by Bent Flyvbjerg, Nils Bruzelius, and Werner Rothengatter MegaProjects: The Changing Politics of Urban Public Investment, by Alan Altshuler and David Luberoff, Wenling Chen and David Levinson, authors The American Midwest: Managing Change in Rural Transition, by Norman Walzer, Matt Foulkes, author Water and Climate in the Western United States, by William M. Lewis Jr., Patricia A. Beyer, author The Commons in the New Millennium: Challenges and Adaptation, by Nives DolSak and Elinor Ostrom, Marvin S. Soroos, author Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development: Programme and Policy Recommendations, by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Ronald McQuaid, author Schumpeterian Dynamics and MetropolitanScale Productivity, by Yeonwoo Lee, Matthew P. Drennan, author The Technological Evolution of Industrial Districts, by Fiorenza Belussi, Giorgio Gottardi, and Enzo Rullani, Aspasia Rigopoulou-Melcher, author Spatial Autocorrelation and Spatial Filtering: Gaining Understanding through Theory and Scientific Visualization, by Daniel Griffith, Oleg Smirnov, author Living Space: Towards Sustainable Settlements in New Zealand, by Claire Freeman and Michelle Thompson-Fawcett, Philip S. Morrison, author
  • Zugangsstatus: Freier Zugang