Nach Informationen von SSRN wurde die ursprüngliche Fassung des Dokuments November 15, 2022 erstellt
Using filtering techniques, spectral analysis, and Markov chain models, I document trends and cycles of factors have significantly changed over the period to December 2000 compared to the period post-January 2001. The recent weaker performance of value in the 21st century, including the value drawdown over 2017 to 2022 which is the worst value drawdown ever experienced, can be attributed to both a decreasing trend component and downturns in cyclical components. Momentum performance has also declined in the post-2001 period due to decreasing trends, while the trends of the quality and size factors have increased. Low volatility portfolios still significantly reduce equity market risk in the 21st century, but the factor spends slightly longer durations in a low return regime