Searching for affirming notions of (African) manhood in the paean in praise of the 'Ēšet Hayil? One African woman's response to Joel K. T. Biwul's article, "What is He doing at the Gate?" : brief note
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Searching for affirming notions of (African) manhood in the paean in praise of the 'Ēšet Hayil? One African woman's response to Joel K. T. Biwul's article, "What is He doing at the Gate?" : brief note
The article challenges the "hi-jacking" of a paean in praise of a female to serve a male agenda. It responds to Biwul's article in OTE 29(1) 2016 in which the author attempts to "resuscitate" what he regarded as the traditionally forgotten male figure in his reading of Proverbs 31:10-31. This article pushes the point that women facing androcentric texts are in need of reading themselves into places where they are not perceived to be present.