<p>The Army Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (STARRS) is an extensive study of mental health risk and resilience among military personnel. Army STARRS has five study components: (1) Historical Administrative Data Study, (2) New Soldier Study (NSS), (3) All Army Study (AAS), (4) Soldier Health Outcomes Study, and (5) Special Studies. At this time, only the AAS and NSS are available from ICPSR under a restricted-use data agreement via the Virtual Data Enclave (VDE).</p> <p>The AAS component of Army STARRS assesses soldiers' psychological and physical health, events encountered during training, combat, and non-combat operations, and life and work experiences across all phases of Army service. The AAS data includes data on soldiers' psychological resilience, mental health, and risk for self-harm.</p> <p>The NSS data are drawn from new soldiers who have just entered the Army. The data contain information on soldier health, personal characteristics, and prior experiences.</p>