• Medientyp: E-Book
  • Titel: Patrologia Pacifica: Selected Papers Presented to the Western Pacific Rim Patristics Society : 3rd Annual Conference (Nagoya, Japan, September 29 – October 1, 2006) and other patristic studies
  • Enthält: Frontmatter
    Table des matières
    От Редакции
    Liste des abbréviations
    Patrologia Pacifica
    Byzantine Doctrines on the Resurrected Body of Christ and Their Parallels in Late Antiquity
    Origen as a Biblical Scholar in his Commentary on the Gospel according to Matthew XVII:29
    Origen’s Interpretation of Luke 1:35: “The Power of the Most High will Overshadow You”
    John Chrysostom’s Use of Luke 16:19–31
    The Theological and Philosophical Background of Basil of Caesarea’s Trinitarian Theory, Focusing on the Comparison between his Works and “his” Ep. 38
    Other Patristic Studies
    Controversie sul Sabato e sul Millennio secondo i Gädl inediti di Täwäldä-Mädəḫn e di Fiqəṭor
    Strategies of Naming in the Polemics between Eunomius and Basil of Caesarea in the Context of the Philosophical Tradition of Antiquity
    The Jews in the Neglected Christian Writing “The Word of Saint Barsabas, Archbishop of Jerusalem, about our Saviour Jesus Christ and the Churches” of the Second – Early Third Century
    Book Inquisition in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Russia
    Some Observations on the Theological Anthropology of Isaac of Nineveh and its Sources
    The Encaenia of St Sophia: Animal Sacrifice in a Christian Context
    Michel Psellos contre Maxime le Confesseur : l’origine de l’ « hérésie des physéthésites »
    Historical and Literary Context of Michael Psellos’ Theologica 59
    The Target of George Pachymeres’ Polemics in his Treatise on the Holy Spirit
    Iconoclastic Fragment of the Apologetic Note by John Italos
    La confession de Théodore et Théophane les Graptoi : remarques et précisions
    Some Notes about the Religious Policy of Justinian the Great
    The Sogdian “Ancient Letters” (I–III)
    Greek (Chrysostom) and Syriac (Ephrem) Aspects of “Authority” as the Image of God
    Notices sur l’atmosphère intellectuelle à l’époque du second iconoclasme
    Iconoclasts and Khazars, a Note
    Bibliographie du R. P. Michel van Esbroeck, SJ. Addenda et Corrigenda
    Russian Hagiography. Review of Major Scholarly Studies Published in St. Petersburg from 2002–2007
    Syrian Christianity: Recent Bibliography in Russian
    Деконструкция Деконструкции
    Does God Have A Body? Some Thoughts On A Recent Book: Dmitrij Bumazhnow, Der Mensch Als Gottes Bild Im Christlichen Ägypten
    The Third Level of Ethiopian Commentaries on the Apocalypse: Illuminated Manuscripts
    The Tenth Century: From roman hagiographique to roman anthologique. Toward the publication of the hagiographical dossier of St Gregentios
    Alessandro Bausi e Alessandro Gori. Tradizioni Orientali del «Martirio di Areta». La prima recensione araba e la versione etiopica
    Sebastian Brock, Fire from Heaven: Studies in Syriac Theology and Liturgy
    Владимир М. Кириллин, Сказание о Тихвинской иконе Богоматери «Одигитрия». Литературная история памят- ника до XVII века. Его содержательная специфика в связи с культурой эпохи
    Нина В. Синицына, Сказания о преподобном Максиме Греке (XVI—XVII вв.)
    Л. И. Журова, В. Ю. Крутецкий, Н. В. Синицына, Б. Л. Фонкич, К. Хвостова (изд.), Преподобный Максим Грек. Сочинения
    Монахиня Кассия (Т. А. Сенина) (сост. и комм.), Столп огненный. Митрополит Нью-Йоркский и Восточно-Американский Филарет (Вознесенский) и Русская Зарубежная Церковь (1964—1985)
    Григорий И. Беневич, Дмитрий С. Бирюков, Аркадий М. Шуфрин (сост.), Прп. Максим Исповедник: поммика с оршенизмом и моноз-нергизмом
  • Beteiligte: Abraha, Tedros [Mitwirkende:r]; Baranov, Vladimir [Mitwirkende:r]; Baranov, Vladimir [Herausgeber:in]; Benevich, G. [Mitwirkende:r]; Berger, Albrecht [Mitwirkende:r]; Birjukov, Dmitri [Mitwirkende:r]; Bormotova, Elena [Mitwirkende:r]; Bumazhnov, Dmitry F. [Mitwirkende:r]; Choufrine, A. [Mitwirkende:r]; Demura, Kazuhiko [Mitwirkende:r]; Demura, Miyako [Mitwirkende:r]; Gritsevskaya, Irina M. [Mitwirkende:r]; Hirschauer, Emmanuel [Mitwirkende:r]; Isidorova, Zoya N. [Mitwirkende:r]; Kavvadas, Nestor [Mitwirkende:r]; Kessel, Grigory M. [Mitwirkende:r]; Kostogryzova, Lyubov [Mitwirkende:r]; Kovaltchuk, Ekaterina [Mitwirkende:r]; Livšic, Vladimir A. [Mitwirkende:r]; Louié, B. [Mitwirkende:r]; Louié, Basil [Mitwirkende:r]; Lourié, Basil [Mitwirkende:r]; Lourié, Basile [Mitwirkende:r]; Makarov, Dmitry I. [Mitwirkende:r]; Maksutov, Ivar Kh. [Mitwirkende:r]; Mayer, Wendy [Mitwirkende:r]; McEwan, Robin [Mitwirkende:r]; Muraviev, A. [Mitwirkende:r]; Rodionov, Oleg [Mitwirkende:r]; Schukin, Timur [Mitwirkende:r]; Seleznyov, Nikolay N. [Mitwirkende:r]; Shapira, Dan D. Y. [Mitwirkende:r]; Sénina, Tatiana A. [Mitwirkende:r]; Tsuchihashi, Shigeki [Mitwirkende:r]; Лукин, Павел В. [Mitwirkende:r]; Лурье, В. М. [Mitwirkende:r]
  • Erschienen: Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, [2009]
  • Erschienen in: Scrinium: Revue de patrologie, d’hagiographie critique et d’histoire ecclésiastique
  • Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (491 p.)
  • Sprache: Russisch
  • DOI: 10.31826/9781463216320
  • ISBN: 9781463216320
  • Identifikator:
  • Schlagwörter: RELIGION / Christianity / Orthodox
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: In Russian
  • Beschreibung: Scrinium: Revue de Patrologie, d’Hagiographie Critique et d’Histoire Ecclésiastique, established in 2005, is an international multilingual scholarly periodical devoted to patristics, critical hagiography, and Church history. This volume contains a partial publication of the papers of the 3rd Conference of the Asian Pacific Early Christian Studies Society which was focused on patrology, with special attention paid to patristic biblical interpretation
  • Zugangsstatus: Eingeschränkter Zugang | Informationen zu lizenzierten elektronischen Ressourcen der SLUB