• Medientyp: Buch
  • Titel: The European Union : politics and policies
  • Enthält: Pt. 1. Evolution -- Introduction to regional integration -- Context: the postwar world -- Emergence: the road from Paris -- Consolidation: the road to Maastricht -- Elaboration: the European Union today -- Pt. 2. Institutions -- The European Commission -- The Council of Ministers -- The European Parliament -- The Court of Justice -- The European Council and other institutions -- Pt. 3. Policies -- Policy processes and the budget -- Economic policy -- Agricultural and regional policy -- Environmental and social policy -- Foreign and security policy -- Conclusions: into the Twenty-First century -- Appendices.
  • Beteiligte: McCormick, John [Verfasser:in]
  • Erschienen: Boulder, Colo. [u.a.]: Westview Press, 1996
  • Erschienen in: The new Europe: interdisciplinary perspectives
  • Umfang: XVIII, 346 S.; graph. Darst., Kt; 24 cm
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN: 0813322324; 0813322332
  • RVK-Notation: QM 430 : Europäische Union
    MK 5100 : Europäische Union (EWG, EG, EU, EGKS, Euratom), Allgemeines
  • Schlagwörter: Europäische Union
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: Literaturverz. S. [329] - 332
  • Beschreibung: Pt. 1. Evolution -- Introduction to regional integration -- Context: the postwar world -- Emergence: the road from Paris -- Consolidation: the road to Maastricht -- Elaboration: the European Union today -- Pt. 2. Institutions -- The European Commission -- The Council of Ministers -- The European Parliament -- The Court of Justice -- The European Council and other institutions -- Pt. 3. Policies -- Policy processes and the budget -- Economic policy -- Agricultural and regional policy -- Environmental and social policy -- Foreign and security policy -- Conclusions: into the Twenty-First century -- Appendices


  • Signatur: 96 8 18582 001
  • Barcode: 30224455
  • Status: Ausleihbar, bitte bestellen
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