> Verlagsreihe
The Germanic loanwords in Proto-Slavic Saskia Pronk-Tiethoff
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 2013
A dictionary of Tocharian B. Revised and Greatly Enlarged. Douglas Q. Adams
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 2013 ; Online-Ausg., [s.l.]: eblib
Italo-Celtic origins and prehistoric development of the Irish language Frederik Kortlandt
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 2007
A dictionary of Tocharian B Douglas Q. Adams
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 1999
Selected writings on Indian linguistics and philology F. B. J. Kuiper. Ed. by A. Lubotsky
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 1997
Sound law and analogy papers in honor of Robert S. P. Beekes on the occasion of his 60th birthday ed. by Alexander Lubotsky
Amsterdan [u.a.]: Rodopi, 1997
Albanische Etymologien (Untersuchungen zum albanischen Erbwortschatz) Bardhyl Demiraj
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 1997
Metatony in Baltic Rick Derksen
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 1996
Studies in British Celtic historical phonology Peter Schrijver
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 1995
The Germanic 'Auslautgesetze' Dirk Boutkan
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 1995
Anatolian historical phonology H. Craig Melchert
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 1994
The reflexes of the proto-Indo-European laryngeals in Latin Peter Schrijver
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 1991
Aryans in the Rigveda F. B. J. Kuiper
Amsterdam [u.a.]: Rodopi, 1991