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Imperfect unions
security institutions over time and space
Wallender, C. ; Keohane, R. O.: Risk, threat, and security institutions. - S. 21-47. Richardson, L.: The concert of Europe and security management in the nineteenth century. - S. 48-79. Tams, C.: The functions of a European security and defence identity and its institutional form. - S. 80-103. Gelpi, C.: Alliances as instruments of intra-allied control. - S. 107-139. Tuschhoff, C.: Alliance cohesion and peaceful change in NATO. - S. 140-161. Haftendorn, H.: The "Quad": Dynamics of institutional change. - S. 162-194. Peters, I.: The OSCE and German policy. - S. 195-220. Daase, C.: Spontaneous institutions: peacekeeping as an International Convention. - S. 223-258. Riecke, H.: US non-proliferation campaigns. - S. 259-286. Johnston, A. I.: The myth of the ASEAN way? - S. 287-324.