• Medientyp: Buch
  • Titel: The Central and Eastern European countries and the European Union
  • Enthält: Rossi, E.; Tabernacki, Z.: New member states: macroeconomic outlook and forecasts. - S. 9-44 Hedi Bchir, M.; Fontagné, L.; Zhanghieri, P.: The asymmetric impact of enlargement on old and new member states : a general equilibrium approach. - S. 45-74 Mora, T.; Vayá, E.; Surñach, J.: Changes in the spatial distribution patterns of European regional activity : the enlargements of the mid-1980s and 2004. - S. 75-107 Banerjee, A.; Marcellino, M.; Masten, I.: Forecasting macroeconomic variables for the new member states. - S. 108-134 Artis, M.; Marcellino, M.; Proietti, T.: The cyclical experience of the new member states. - S. 135-158 Ramos, R.; Surñach, J.: Demand and supply shocks in the new member states. - S. 159-184 Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J.: Monetary transmission in the new member states. - S. 185-218 Rossi, E.; Tabernacki, Z.: Promoting fiscal restraint in three Central European member states. - S. 219-244 Zanghieri, P.: Current account dynamics in the new member states. - S. 245-273 Movit, C.: Chal
  • Beteiligte: Artis, Michael J. [Herausgeber:in]; Banerjee, Anindya [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]; Marcellino, Massimiliano [Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]
  • Erschienen: Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2006
  • Ausgabe: 1. publ.
  • Umfang: XXI, 398 S.; graph. Darst; a
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN: 0521849543; 9780521849548
  • RVK-Notation: QG 470 : Früherer Ostblock insgesamt
    QM 430 : Europäische Union
    MK 5100 : Europäische Union (EWG, EG, EU, EGKS, Euratom), Allgemeines
    MK 5210 : Finanz-, Wirtschafts- und Agrarpolitik
    MG 80020 : Wirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge
  • Schlagwörter: Osteuropa > Europäische Union > Erweiterung
    Osteuropa > Wirtschaftspolitik > Europäische Integration
    Europäische Union > Erweiterung > Osteuropa > Mitgliedsstaaten
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: Includes bibliographical references - Enth. 13 Beitr
  • Beschreibung: The accession of ten new members to the European Union on May 1st 2004 is among the most significant developments in the history of European integration. Based upon studies conducted by the European Forecasting Network, this book analyses key aspects of the impact of this recent enlargement with reference to eight of the ten new Member States, namely the Central and Eastern European countries (CEECs). It demonstrates that the enlargement could have profound consequences on both the new Member States and on the pre-accession members of the Union, given the unparalleled magnitude of the enlargement, the fact that the CEECs have levels of prosperity and economic development well below the Union average, and their history of participation in centrally planned regimes. The contributions examine regional policy, the debate about accession to the EMU, the macroeconomic trajectories of the Central and Eastern European economies to date and their likely future development.


  • Status: Ausleihbar