> Verlagsreihe
Desafíos de los bosques amazónicos y oportunidades para el manejo forestal comunitario Ed.: Wil de Jong
Vantaa: METLA [u.a.], 2011
Climate change impacts on African forests and people lead author: Chris Eastaugh
Vienna: IUFRO Headquarters, 2010
Forest agencies' early adaptations to climate change prep. by Chris Eastaugh
Vienna: IUFRO Headquarters, 2009
Adaptions of forests to climate change a multidisciplinary review Chris Eastaugh
Vienna: IUFRO Headquarters, 2008
Forest terminology: living expert knowledge how to get society to understand forest terminology : proceedings of the 6.03.02/Silva Voc Group session at the IUFRO World Congress 2000, and selected contributions on forest terminology Michèle Kaennel Dobbertin; Renate Prüller
Vienna: IUFRO Headquarters, 2002