Oosterom, Petrus Johannes Maria van
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft];
Zlatanova, Sisi
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft];
Oosterom, Peter van
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Advances in 3D geoinformation systems
[result of the 2nd International Workshop on 3D Geo-Information: Requirements, Acquisition, Modelling, Analysis, Visualisation, (12 - 14 December 2007, Delft, the Netherlands)]
Maps get real : digital maps evolving from mathematical line graphs to virtual reality models
/ Rob van Essen
On valid and invalid three-dimensional geometries
/ Baris M. Kazar ... [et al.]
Navigable space in 3D city models for pedestrians
/ Aidan Slingsby and Jonathan Raper
Towards 3D spatial data infrastructures (3D-SDI) based on open standards--experiences, results and future issues
/ Jens Basanow ... [et al.]
Re-using laser scanner data in applications for 3D topography
/ Sander Oude Elberink
Using raster DTM for dike modelling
/ Tobias Krüger and Gotthard Meinel
Development of a web geological feature server (WGFS) for sharing and querying of 3D objects
/ Jacynthe Pouliot ... [et al.]
Using 3D-laser-scanners and image-recognition for volume-based single-tree-delineation and -parameterization for 3D-GSIS-applications
/ Jürgen Rossmann and Arno Bücken
Automatic building modeling from terrestrial laser scanning
/ Shi Pu
3D city modelling from LIDAR data
/ Rebecca (O.C.) Tse, Christopher Gold, and Dave Kidner
First implementation results and open issues on the Poincaré-TEN data structure
/ Friso Penninga and Peter van Oosterom
Drainage reality in terrains with higher-order Delaunay triangulations
/ Ahmad Biniaz and Gholamhossein Dastghabyfard
Surface reconstruction from contour lines or LIDAR elevations by least squared-error approximation using tensor-product cubic B-splines
/ Shyamalee Mukherji
Modelling and managing topology in 3D geoinformation systems
/ Andreas Thomsen ... [et al.]
Mathematically provable correct implementation of integrated 2D and 3D representations
/ Rodney Thompson and Peter van Oosterom
3D solids and their management in DBMS
/ Chen Tet Khuan, Alias Abdul-Rahman, and Sisi Zlatanova
Implementation alternatives for an integrated 3D information model
/ Ludvig Emgård and Sisi Zlatanova
Serving CityGML via web feature services in the OGC web services--phase 4 testbed
/ Eddie Curtis
Towards 3D environmental impact studies : example of noise
/ Jantien Stoter, Henk de Kluijver, and Vinaykumar Kurakula
The kinetic 3D Voronoi diagram : a tool for simulating environmental processes
/ Hugo Ledoux
Techniques for generalizing building geometry of complex virtual 3D city models
/ Tassilo Glander and Jürgen Döllner
Automatic generation of residential areas using geo-demographics
/ Paul Richmond and Daniela Romano
Requirements for 3D in geographic information systems applications
/ Andrew U. Frank
Data collection and 3D reconstruction
/ Sisi Zlatanova
Modelling 3D geo-information
/ Christopher Gold
Spatial data analysis in 3D GIS
/ Jiyeong Lee
3D geo-visualization
/ Marc van Kreveld.