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The vnion of the two noble and illustre famelies of Lancastre [and] Yorke, beyng long in continuall discension for the croune of this noble realme
with al the actes done in both the tymes of the princes, both of the one linage [and] of the other, beginnyng at the tyme of kyng Henry the fowerth, the first aucthor of this deuision, and so successiuely proceadi[n]g to ye reigne of the high and prudent prince kyng Henry the eyght, the indubitate flower and very heire of both the saied linages. Whereunto is added to euery kyng a seuerall table
Hersteller der Reproduktion:
Ann Arbor, Mich: UMI, 1999
Electronic reproduction; Digital version of: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 46:6)
STC (2nd ed.), 12723
The last leaf is blank
In the ideal configuration of this edition the second leaf is signed "A.ii." and line 2 up has "reson"; third leaf verso mentions a separate table for each king; fourth leaf recto has "Englyshe wryters."; each king has separate register and foliation and have roman numeral line numbers in inner margin; A1r last line has "kyng Henry", B2r line 35 has "[and] committed [i.e. using the Tironian sign]". Variant (trial setting or later replacement of damaged sheets?): A1r last line has "kynge Henry", B2r line 35 has "and committed". Indexes to Henry VI and VII are in 64mm. textura; others (printed by Steven Mierdman) are in 78mm. "Dutch" textura with the H having a loop at the top. Copies containing sheets partly from other editions are matched to STC 12723a. For details of printing history see STC corrigendum to vol. 1, p. 557
Second and third leaves present in two copies showing variant on pi3v
"The victorious actes of Kyng Henry the fifth", "The troubleous season of Kyng Henry the sixt", "The prosperous reigne of Kyng Edward the fourth", "The pitifull lyfe of Kyng Edwarde the fyft", "The tragicall doynges of Kynges [sic] Richard the thirde", "The politique gouernaunce of Kyng Henry. vii.", and "The triumphant reigne of Kyng Henry the. VIII." (caption titles) each begin new foliation on a1r, a1r, A1r, AA1r, aa1r, aaa1r, and a1r respectively
By Edward Hall, whose name appears on ¹A2r
Reproduction of the original in the British Library
Continued from 1532 by Richard Grafton from Hall's notes
Printer's name from colophon, Z5v
Includes indexes