Kanfer, Ruth
Chen, Gilad
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft];
Pritchard, Robert D.
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
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Work motivation
past, present, and future
The three C's of work motivation : content, context, and change
/ Ruth Kanfer, Gilad Chen, and Robert D. Pritchard
The measurement and analysis of motivation
/ Robert E. Ployhart
Motivation for what? A multivariate dynamic perspective of the criterion
/ Reeshad S. Dalal and Charles L. Hulin
Goal choice and decision processes
/ Howard J. Klein, James T. Austin, and Joseph T. Cooper
Goal-striving and self-regulation processes
/ James M. Diefendorff and Robert G. Lord
Self-regulation and multiple deadline goals
/ Terence R. Mitchell ... [et al.]
Designing motivating jobs : an expanded framework for linking work characteristics and motivation
/ Sharon K. Parker and Sandra Ohly
Motivation in and of work teams : a multilevel perspective
/ Gilad Chan and Celile Itir Gogus
Leadership processes and work motivation
/ Stephen J. Zaccaro, Katherine Ely, and Johnathan Nelson
Organizational systems and employee motivation
/ Wendy R. Boswell, Alexander J.S. Colvin, and Todd C. Darnold
Motivation to engage in training and career development
/ Daniel C. Feldman and Thomas W.H. Ng
A self-regulatory perspective on navigating career transitions
/ Connie R. Wanberg and John Kammeyer-Mueller
Nonwork influences on work motivation
/ Ellen Ernst Kossek and Kaumudi Misra
Social-cultural influences on work motivation
/ Miriam Erez
Essays from allied disciplines. Making time for memory and remembering time in motivation theory
/ Stephen M. Fiore ; The social context of work motivation : a social-psychological perspective / Verlin B. Hinsz ; Motivation and expertise at work : a human factors perspective / James E. Maddux ; Law and motivation / Gary L. Renz and Richard D. Arvey ; Work motivation : insights from economics / Bruce E. Kaufman
Work motivation : forging new perspectives and directions in the post-millennium
/ Ruth Kanfer, Gilad Chen, and Robert D. Pritchard.