> Verlagsreihe
Price pass-through of CO2 costs authors: Barbara Breitschopf, Meta Thurid Lotz, Frank Marscheider-Weidemann
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems und Innovation Research ISI, July 2024
Energy efficiency policies across the EU and their impact on alleviating energy poverty insights from the MURE database authors: Anna Lena Heller, Iska Brunzema, Barbara Schlomann
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems und Innovation Research ISI, August 2024
Preference for design elements of financial participation and nonmonetary effects of using energy transition technologies - survey results author: Barbara Breitschopf, Anna Billerbeck
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems und Innovation Research ISI, 10/2024
Agent-based simulation for market diffusion of passenger cars and motorcycles BEV in Greater Jakarta Area authors: Rizqi Ilma Nugroho, Till Gnann, Daniel Speth, Widodo Wahyu Purwanto, Jessica Hanafi, Sutanto Soehodho
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems und Innovation Research ISI, April 2024
Requirements of German logistics companies for charging battery-electric trucks results of a combined survey and interview study authors: Aline Scherrer, Marvin Helferich, Daniel Speth, Steffen Link
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems und Innovation Research ISI, March 2024
Klimawirkungen von Maßnahmen im Verkehr eine Literaturstudie zu Benutzervorteilen, Parkraummanagement und Maßnahmen zum massiven ÖPNV-Ausbau Autorinnen und Autoren: Niklas Sieber, Michael Krail, Charlotte Hölzemann
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI, 12. April 2024
Optimized demand-based charging networks for long-haul trucking in Europe authors: Jan-Hendrik Lange, Daniel Speth, Patrick Plötz
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems und Innovation Research ISI, July 2024
Is the share of renewable electricity in vehicle charging still above the grid mix in Europe? authors: Sabine Preuß, Robert Kunze, Aline Scherrer, Jakob Zwirnmann, Alexandra Rummel
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems und Innovation Research ISI, February 2024
Alternative Antriebe im Schienenverkehr Autoren: Fabio Frank, Till Gnann
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, [2024]
Preferred design elements of the energy transition from the perspective of households authors: Barbara Breitschopf, Isabelle Büttner, Uta Burghard
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer ISI, October 2023
Scenarios of a desirable and fair energy transition authors: Ewa Dönitz, Barbara Breitschopf, Uta Burghard
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer ISI, April 2023
Energy transition financial participation and preferred design elements of German citizens authors: Barbara Breitschopf, Uta Burghard
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer ISI, June 2023
Public charging locations for battery electric trucks a GIS-based statistical analysis using real-world truck stop data for Germany authors: Judith Auer, Steffen Link, Patrick Plötz
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer ISI, April 2023
German banks on the way to climate neutrality? a review of the situation authors: Maike Wilhelm, Ali Aydemir, Clemens Rohde
Karlsruhe, Germany: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems und Innovation Research ISI, November 2023
Is the German energy transition perceived as gender- and socially-just? authors: Marika Kuschan, Uta Burghard, Kiara Groneweg, Annika Strebel
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, September 2022
Understanding inter-system interactions and their impacts authors: Barbara Breitschopf, Jonathan Köhler, Sven Wydra, Anna Grimm, Anna Billerbeck
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, April 2022
Alternative Antriebe im Schienenverkehr Autoren: Fabio Frank, Till Gnann
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2022
Impulspapier: kurzfristige Strategien zur Erschließung von Einsparpotenzialen für Erdgas im Gebäudesektor zur Sicherung der Energieversorgung im Kontext der russischen Invasion in die Ukraine Autorinnen und Autoren: Martin Wietschel, Elisabeth Dütschke, Wolfgang Eichhammer,Mario Ragwitz, Thorsten Spillmann, Jan Steinbach
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, Mai 2022
Industrial excess heat and residential heating potentials and costs based on different heat transport technologies authors: Markus Fritz, Dorian Werner
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, September 2022
A charging infrastructure network for battery electric trucks in Europe Verena Sauter, Daniel Speth, Patrick Plötz, Tim Signer
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2021
An indicator based approach to the energy efficiency first principle Mara Chlechowitz, Matthias Reuter, Wolfgang Eichhammer
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, [2022]
Wie könnte ein Tankstellenaufbau für Brennstoffzellen-Lkw in Deutschland aussehen? Philipp Rose, Martin Wietschel, Till Gnann
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2020
Social acceptance of electric mobility in Germany Uta Burghard, Aline Scherrer, Elisabeth Dütschke, Joachim Globisch
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2020
Ein Update zur Klimabilanz von Elektrofahrzeugen Martin Wietschel
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, [2020]
Poor energy ratings when appliances convey? Corinne Faure, Joachim Schleich
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, [2020]
Fairness- and cost-effectiveness-based approaches to effort-sharing under the Paris agreement im Rahmen des UFOPLAN-Vorhabens "Implikationen des Pariser Klimaschutzabkommens auf nationale Klimaschutzanstrengungen" Jakob Wachsmuth, Alexandra Denishchenkova, Hanna Fekete, Paola Parra, Michiel Schaeffer, Andrzej Ancygier, Fabio Sferra
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, [2019]
A survey-based approach to estimate residential electricity consumption at municipal level in Germany Charlotte Huang, Rainer Elsland
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, [2019]
Water demand responds asymmetrically to rising and falling prices Joachim Schleich, Thomas Hillenbrand
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, [2019]
Transition towards socially sustainable behavior? a comparison of cases from the smartphone and garment industries Miriam Bodenheimer
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, [2019]
Die aktuelle Treibhausgasemissionsbilanz von Elektrofahrzeugen in Deutschland Martin Wietschel, Matthias Kühnbach, David Rüdiger
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, [2019]
Beyond technology towards sustainability through behavioral transitions Miriam Bodenheimer
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2018
Sektorkopplung Definition, Chancen und Herausforderungen Martin Wietschel, Patrick Plötz, Benjamin Pfluger, Marian Klobasa [und 16 weitere]
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, Februar 2018
External search strategies the role of innovation objectives and specialization Younes Iferd, Patrick Plötz
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2018
An analysis of the smartphone sector Miriam Bodenheimer
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2018
Business models for freight and logistics services working paper 4 of the study LowCarb-RFC - European rail freight corridors going carbon neutral Niclas Meyer, Djerdj Horvat, Matthias Hitzler, Claus Doll ; Fraunhofer ISI
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, 2018
Institutional and organisational change in the German rail transport sector working paper 3 of the study Low-Carb-RFC - European rail freight corridors going carbon neutral Carsten Gandenberger, Jonathan Köhler, Claus Doll ; Fraunhofer ISI
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, 2018
Energy efficient technology adoption and low-income households in the EU what is the evidence? Joachim Schleich
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2018
China's trajectory from production to innovation insights from the photovoltaics sector Carsten Gandenberger
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2018
An analysis of the garment sector Miriam Bodenheimer
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2018
Sustainability transitions in local communities district heating, water systems and communal housing projects : funded by the BMBFH (German Federal Ministry or Education and Research) through the TRANSNIK project (funding reference 01UT1417A-C) Köhler, J.; Hohmann, C; Dütschke, E. ; with the support of Ulrike Hacke, Norman Laws, Kornelia Müller, Jutta Niederste-Hollenberg, Ina Renz, Elna Schirrmeister, Julius Wesche and Rubina Zern
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2018
Energy efficient technology adoption and low-income households in the EU what is the evidence? Joachim Schleich
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, [2018]
Consumers' evaluation of public charging infrastructure for electric vehicles Joachim Globisch, Patrick Plötz, Elisabeth Dütschke, Martin Wietschel
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, July 2018
The globalisation of corporate R&D evidence from German environmental technology companies Carsten Gandenberger
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2018
Reference and Pro Rail scenarios for European corridors to 2050 working paper 5 of the study LowCarb-RFC - European Rail Freight Corridors going Carbon Neutral Claus Doll, Jonathan Köhler ; Fraunhofer ISI
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, 2018
Sustainability impacts of mode shift scenarios on major European corridors working paper 8 of the study Low-Carb-RFC - European Rail Freight Corridors going Carbon Neutral Niklas Sieber, Claus Doll, Jonathan Köhler, Edwin van Hassel, Thierry Vaneslander ; Fraunhofer ISI
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, 2018
Giant and dwarf - China's two faces in wind energy innovation Carsten Gandenberger
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2017
Kurzstudie Potenziale der Digitalisierung für den Klimaschutz Nele Friedrichsen
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2017
Household electricity contract and provider switching in the EU Joachim Schleich, Corinne Faure, Xavier Gassmann
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2017
Incentives for energy efficiency in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Joachim Schleich; Karoline S. Rogge; Regina Betz
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2008
Why don't households see the light? explaining the diffusion of compact fluorescent lamps Bradford F. Mills; Joachim Schleich
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2008
Determinants of residential water demand in Germany Joachim Schleich; Thomas Hillenbrand
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2007
Agent-based simulation of electricity markets a literature review Frank Sensfuß; Mario Ragwitz; Massimo Genoese; Dominik Möst
Karlsruhe: Fraunhofer ISI, 2007