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Oceanography from space
Oceans from space, a once-a-decade review of progress : satellite oceanography in a changing world
/ Jim F.R. Gower
Passive microwave remote sensing of the ocean : an overview
/ Chelle L. Gentemann ... [et al.]
SMOS and Aquarius/SAC-D missions : the era of spaceborne salinity measurements is about to begin
/ Gary Lagerloef and Jordi Font
Discoveries about tropical cyclones provided by microwave remote sensing
/ Kristina B. Katsaros
Direct surface current field imaging from space by along-track InSAR and conventional SAR
/ Roland Romeiser ... [et al.]
Scatterometer's unique capability in measuring ocean surface stress
/ W. Timothy Liu, Xiaosu Xie, and Wenqing Tang
Interpretation of SAR signatures of the sea surface : a multi-sensor approach
/ Leonid M. Mitnik and Vyacheslav A. Dubina
Perspectives on oil spill detection using synthetic aperture radar
/ Michele Vespe ... [et al.]
Determining ocean circulation and sea level from satellite altimetry : progress and challenges
/ Lee-Lueng Fu
Absolute dynamic topography from altimetry : status and prospects in the upcoming GOCE era
/ Marie-Helene Rio
The marine geoid and satellite altimetry
/ Walter H.F. Smith
Oceanic planetary waves and eddies : a privileged view from satellite altimetry
/ Paolo Cipollini, Anna C.S. Sutcliffe, and Ian S. Robinson
Sea surface temperature measurements from thermal infrared satellite instruments : status and outlook
/ Craig J. Donlon
The validation of sea surface temperature retrievals from spaceborne infrared radiometers
/ Peter J. Minnett
Use of TIR from space in operational systems
/ Helen M. Beggs
The past, present, and future of the AVHRR Pathfinder SST program
/ Kenneth S. Casey ... [et al.]
Some reflections on thirty-five years of ocean color remote sensing
/ Howard R. Gordon
Field radiometry and ocean color remote sensing
/ Giuseppe Zibordi and Kenneth J. Voss
Forecasting the coastal optical properties using satellite ocean color
/ Robert Arnone ... [et al.]
Ocean-colour radiometry : achievements and future perspectives
/ Shubha Sathyendranath and Trevor Platt.
Literaturangaben, Index
"This volume collects a series of key-note lectures delivered at the fourth "Oceans from Space" Symposium, held in Venice, Italy, in 2010."26 - 30 April 2010". - Rückseite des Bucheinbandes