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National dreams and rude awakenings
essays on American literature, from the Puritans to the postmodern
From father to son: The evolution of typology in puritan New England -- The language of Salem witchcraft -- The puritan roots of American whig rhetoric -- The dove and the serpent: The clergy in the American revolution -- “Saints“ and „Strangers“ – America’s chiliastic dualism -- Those irrepressible puritans: Canon war survivors -- Aesthetic headaches: Politics and art in the American novel -- Art, religion, and the problem of authority in Melville’s 'Pierre' -- “Wandering to-and-fro“ – Melville and religion -- Melville’s 'Redburn': Lessons in alterity and textual limits -- Dressing to impress in Melville’s 'Typee' -- Race and money in 'Pudd'nhead Wilson' -- “bait-and-switch“: 'Adventures of Huckleberry Finn' -- Writing a history of American Literature at the end oft he twentieth century or Mission impossible -- New literary history: Past and present -- “General introduction“ to the 'Columbia literary history oft he United States' -- The culture wars and the revenge oft he aesthetic -- The emergence oft the literatures of the United States -- Diversity in the United States and abroad: What does it mean when American studies is transnational? -- Terror, aesthetics, and the humanities in the public sphere