García Durán, Mauricio
Grabe, Veronika
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft];
Patino Hormaza, Otty
[Sonstige Person, Familie und Körperschaft]Berghof Forschungszentrum für Konstruktive Konfliktbearbeitung Berlin
M-19's journey from armed struggle fo democratic politics
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M-19's journey from armed struggle fo democratic politics
striving to keep the revolution connected to the people
Introduction. - S. 7 1. The Movement's Origins and Aims: Initiation into the Armed Struggle. - S. 8 1.1 The Historical Context and the Conflict Issues in Colombian Society. - S. 8 1.2 The Emergence of M-19 as an Armed Group. - S. 9 1.3 A New Style of Guerrilla. - S. 12 1.4 From Urban Armed Protest to the Development of a Rural Military Apparatus. - S. 13 2. A Path towards Peace: Internal and External Causes. - S. 15 2.1 Internal Factors. - S. 15 2.2 External Factors. - S.18 3. Peace Mobilisation Strategy. - S. 21 3.1 From Peace as Tactic to Peace as Strategy. - S. 21 3.2 From Anti-Oligarchic Struggle to Political Negotiation. - S. 23 3.3 From Negotiation with the Government to a Dialogue with Society. - S. 25 3.4 From the Audacity of a Leader to a Democratic Decision. - S. 27 3.5 The Challenge of Peace Without Compliance. - S. 28 3.6 From Electoral Triumph to Political Dispersion. - S. 29 3.7 Rebuilding Personal Projects and Building Local Politics. - S. 31 4. Results of M 19's Transition from Gueri
Introduction. - S. 7 1. The Movement’s Origins and Aims: Initiation into the Armed Struggle. - S. 8 1.1 The Historical Context and the Conflict Issues in Colombian Society. - S. 8 1.2 The Emergence of M-19 as an Armed Group. - S. 9 1.3 A New Style of Guerrilla. - S. 12 1.4 From Urban Armed Protest to the Development of a Rural Military Apparatus. - S. 13 2. A Path towards Peace: Internal and External Causes. - S. 15 2.1 Internal Factors. - S. 15 2.2 External Factors. - S.18 3. Peace Mobilisation Strategy. - S. 21 3.1 From Peace as Tactic to Peace as Strategy. - S. 21 3.2 From Anti-Oligarchic Struggle to Political Negotiation. - S. 23 3.3 From Negotiation with the Government to a Dialogue with Society. - S. 25 3.4 From the Audacity of a Leader to a Democratic Decision. - S. 27 3.5 The Challenge of Peace Without Compliance. - S. 28 3.6 From Electoral Triumph to Political Dispersion. - S. 29 3.7 Rebuilding Personal Projects and Building Local Politics. - S. 31 4. Results of M 19’s Transition from Guerilla Movement to Political Party. - S. 32 Bibliography. - S. 36 Chronology of M-19. - S. 38 About the Authors. - S.42