• Medientyp: Buch; Konferenzbericht
  • Titel: Interpreting religion : the significance of Friedrich Schleiermacher's "Reden über die Religion" for religious studies and theology ; [ ... results of a conference in March of 2010 ...]
  • Enthält: Faith :a feeling borne by reason / Volker Gerhardt
    Emotions between body and mind :philosophy of emotion and Schleiermacher's concept of feeling / Thorsten Dietz
    Schleiermacher's brain science :a translation projecty / Thandeka
    Brain and religion :what are the neuronal and neuro-epistemic predispositions of religious belief? / Georg Northoff
    Religion as feeling :Schleiermacher's program as a task of theology / Jörg Lauster
    Intuition and fantasy in "On religion" / Wayne Proudfoot
    On the amphiboly of religious speech :religion and philosophy in Schleiermacher's "On religion" / Andreas Arndt
    Schleiermacher on music and religion :the "sound" of Schleiermacher in Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy's music / Thomas Erne
    Religion :human nature and social nurture / Andrew Dole
    Schleiermacher and the turn to experience in the study of religion / Hans Joas
    Life and human life :some methodological considerations on the relation of the hermeutic and scientific concept of life / Mathias Gutmann
    Religion and politics :Schleiermacher's Reden in the perspective of religious studies / Theodore Vial
    Religion and politics :the contribution of Schleiermacher's "Speeches on religion" in an ongoing debate :a discussion with Ted Vial's paper / Wilhelm Gräb.
  • Beteiligte: Korsch, Dietrich [Herausgeber:in]; Griffioen, Amber L. [Herausgeber:in]
  • Erschienen: Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011
  • Erschienen in: Religion in philosophy and theology ; 57
  • Umfang: XVI, 234 S.
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN: 316150853X; 9783161508530
  • RVK-Notation: BH 1550 : Einzeluntersuchungen
    BW 30195 : Kommentare zu einzelnen Werken
  • Schlagwörter: Schleiermacher, Friedrich > Religion > Gefühl > Imagination > Gesellschaft > Politik > Religionswissenschaft > Theologie
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: Literaturangaben
  • Beschreibung: The term religion is indispensable to the subject matter of both religious studies and theology. Many approaches attempt a reductive, essentialist, functionalist, or other type of unifying definition, but these approaches tend to rest on various, often controversial sets of presuppositions. Indeed, it seems impossible to overcome the vast plurality of understandings of religion as the academic fields that deal with religion splinter and proliferate, thereby inhibiting the rational treatment of a very important dimension of modern society. The present volume undertakes an intense interdisciplinary examination of a seminal modern text that religious scholars agree helped spawn religious studies and modern theology as we know it, namely Schleiermacher's Reden über die Religion, which lays out the most important and controversial themes under discussion by theologians and religious studies scholars: first, the significance of emotion for the understanding of religion; second, the role of imagination and religious utterances in religious belief; third, the importance of religion for the social world; and fourth, the political implications of religion
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