> Verlagsreihe
Telecommunications liberalized services [prepared for the European Commission by Bossard Consultants SA]
London: Kogan Page [u.a.], 1998 ; Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ., 1998
Audio-visual services and production [prepared for the European Commission by KPMG]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities [u.a.], 1998
Insurance [prepared for the European Commission by CEGOS SA]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities [u.a.], 1998
Single information market [prepared for the European Commission by Analysys Limited]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities [u.a.], 1997
Air transport [prepared for the European Commission by Cranfield University]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities [u.a.], 1997
Distribution [prepared for the European Commission by Coopers & Lybrand]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities [u.a.], 1997
Road freight transport [prepared for the European Commission by NEA]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities [u.a.], 1997
Advertising [prepared for the European Commission by Bocconi University]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities [u.a.], 1997
Credit institutions and banking [prepared for the European Commission by Economic Research Europe Ltd]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities [u.a.], 1997
Single energy market [prepared for the European Commission by London Economics]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities [u.a.], 1997
Transport networks [prepared for the European Commission by TRT Trasporti e Territorio Srl]
Luxembourg: Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities [u.a.], 1997