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In this thesis, a novel discrete approximation of the curvature tensor on Riemannian manifolds is derived, efficient methods to interpolate and extrapolate images in the context of the time discrete metamorphosis model are analyzed, and an a posteriori error estimator for the binary Mumford–Shah model is examined. Departing from the variational time discretization on (possibly infinite-dimensional) Riemannian manifolds originally proposed by Rumpf and Wirth, in which a consistent time discrete approximation of geodesic curves, the logarithm, the exponential map and parallel transport is analyzed, we construct the discrete curvature tensor and prove its convergence under certain smoothness assumptions. To this end, several time discrete parallel transports are applied to suitably rescaled tangent vectors, where each parallel transport is computed using Schild’s ladder. The associated convergence proof essentially relies on multiple Taylor expansions incorporating symmetry and scaling relations. In several numerical examples we validate this approach for surfaces. The by now classical flow of diffeomorphism approach allows the transport of image intensities along paths in time, which are characterized by diffeomorphisms, and the brightness of each image particle is assumed to be constant along each trajectory. As an extension, the metamorphosis model proposed by Trouvé, Younes and coworkers allows for intensity variations of the image particles along the paths, which is reflected by an additional penalization term appearing in the energy functional that quantifies the squared weak material derivative. Taking into account the aforementioned time discretization, we propose a time discrete metamorphosis model in which the associated time discrete path energy consists of the sum of squared L 2 -mismatch functionals of successive square-integrable image intensity functions and a regularization functional for pairwise deformations. Our main contributions are the existence proof of time discrete geodesic curves in the ...