• Medientyp: E-Book
  • Titel: Knowledge as transformative energy : on linking models and experiments in the energy transition in buildings
  • Beteiligte: Bierwirth, Anja [Verfasser:in]; Augenstein, Karoline [Verfasser:in]; Baur, Stephan [Verfasser:in]; Bettin, Johannes [Verfasser:in]; Buhl, Johannes [Verfasser:in]; Friege, Jonas [Verfasser:in]; Holtz, Georg [Verfasser:in]; Jensen, Thorben [Verfasser:in]; Kaselofsky, Jan [Verfasser:in]; Liedtke, Christa [Verfasser:in]; Palzkill-Vorbeck, Alexandra [Verfasser:in]; Saurat, Mathieu [Verfasser:in]; Schneidewind, Uwe [Verfasser:in]; Schönborn, Sophia [Verfasser:in]; Schweiger, Stefan [Verfasser:in]; Viebahn, Peter [Verfasser:in]; Vondung, Florin [Verfasser:in]
  • Erschienen: München : Oekom-Verl., 2017
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: Diese Datenquelle enthält auch Bestandsnachweise, die nicht zu einem Volltext führen.
  • Beschreibung: The transformation processes towards a sustainable development are complex. How can science contribute towards new solutions and ideas leading to change in practice? The authors of this book discuss these questions along the energy transition in the building sector. A transformative research that leaves the neutral observer position needs appropriate concepts and methods: how can knowledge from different disciplines and from practice be integrated in order to be able to explain and understand complex circumstances and interrelations? What role do complex (agent-based) models and experiments play in this respect? Which mix of methods is required in transformative science in order to actively support the actors in transformation processes? Theses questions are illustrated by the example of the BMBF funded project "EnerTransRuhr".
  • Zugangsstatus: Freier Zugang
  • Rechte-/Nutzungshinweise: Urheberrechtsschutz