• Medientyp: E-Book; Bericht
  • Titel: Storms, early education, and human capital
  • Beteiligte: Pelli, Martino [Verfasser:in]; Tschopp, Jeanne [Verfasser:in]
  • Erschienen: Manila: Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2024
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.22617/WPS240462-2
  • Schlagwörter: O12 ; climate change ; education ; Q54 ; storms ; human capital ; I25
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen: Diese Datenquelle enthält auch Bestandsnachweise, die nicht zu einem Volltext führen.
  • Beschreibung: This paper explores how school-age exposure to storms impacts the education and primary activity status of young adults in India. Using a cross-sectional cohort study based on wind exposure histories, we find evidence of a significant deskilling of areas vulnerable to climate change-related risks. Specifically, our results show a 2.4 percentage point increase in the probability of accruing educational delays, a 2 percentage point decline in post-secondary education achievement, and a 1.6 percentage point reduction in obtaining regular salaried jobs. Additionally, our study provides evidence that degraded school infrastructure and declining household income contribute to these findings.
  • Zugangsstatus: Freier Zugang
  • Rechte-/Nutzungshinweise: Namensnennung (CC BY) Namensnennung (CC BY)