Winzen, Carola
Mehlhorn, Kurt
Toward a complexity theory for randomized search heuristics : black-box models ; In Richtung einer Komplexitätstheorie für randomisierte Suchheuristiken : Black-Box-Modelle
Toward a complexity theory for randomized search heuristics : black-box models ; In Richtung einer Komplexitätstheorie für randomisierte Suchheuristiken : Black-Box-Modelle
Winzen, Carola
Scientific publications of the Saarland University (UdS), 2011-12-22
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Randomized search heuristics are a broadly used class of general-purpose algorithms. Analyzing them via classical methods of theoretical computer science is a growing field. While several strong runtime bounds exist, a powerful complexity theory for such algorithms is yet to be developed. We contribute to this goal in several aspects. In a first step, we analyze existing black-box complexity models. Our results indicate that these models are not restrictive enough. This remains true if we restrict the memory of the algorithms under consideration. These results motivate us to enrich the existing notions of black-box complexity by the additional restriction that not actual objective values, but only the relative quality of the previously evaluated solutions may be taken into account by the algorithms. Many heuristics belong to this class of algorithms. We show that our ranking-based model gives more realistic complexity estimates for some problems, while for others the low complexities of the previous models still hold. Surprisingly, our results have an interesting game-theoretic aspect as well.We show that analyzing the black-box complexity of the OneMaxn function class—a class often regarded to analyze how heuristics progress in easy parts of the search space—is the same as analyzing optimal winning strategies for the generalized Mastermind game with 2 colors and length-n codewords. This connection was seemingly overlooked so far in the search heuristics community. ; Randomisierte Suchheuristiken sind vielseitig einsetzbare Algorithmen, die aufgrund ihrer hohen Flexibilität nicht nur im industriellen Kontext weit verbreitet sind. Trotz zahlreicher erfolgreicher Anwendungsbeispiele steckt die Laufzeitanalyse solcher Heuristiken noch in ihren Kinderschuhen. Insbesondere fehlt es uns an einem guten Verständnis, in welchen Situationen problemunabhängige Heuristiken in kurzer Laufzeit gute Lösungen liefern können. Eine Komplexitätstheorie ähnlich wie es sie in der klassischen Algorithmik gibt, wäre wünschenswert. Mit ...