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collaboration, The CALICE;
Adloff, C;
Karyotakis, Y;
Repond, J;
Brandt, A;
Brown, H;
De, K;
Medina, C;
Smith, J;
Li, J;
Sosebee, M;
White, A;
Yu, J;
Buanes, T;
Eigen, G;
Mikami, Y;
Miller, O;
Watson, N K;
Wilson, J A;
Goto, T;
Mavromanolakis, G;
Thomson, M A;
Ward, D R;
Yan, W;
Construction and commissioning of the CALICE analog hadron calorimeter prototype
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- Medientyp: E-Artikel
- Titel: Construction and commissioning of the CALICE analog hadron calorimeter prototype
- Beteiligte: collaboration, The CALICE; Adloff, C; Karyotakis, Y; Repond, J; Brandt, A; Brown, H; De, K; Medina, C; Smith, J; Li, J; Sosebee, M; White, A; Yu, J; Buanes, T; Eigen, G; Mikami, Y; Miller, O; Watson, N K; Wilson, J A; Goto, T; Mavromanolakis, G; Thomson, M A; Ward, D R; Yan, W; [...]
IOP Publishing, 2010
- Erschienen in: Journal of Instrumentation, 5 (2010) 5, Seite P05004-P05004
- Sprache: Nicht zu entscheiden
- DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/5/05/p05004
- ISSN: 1748-0221
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