• Medientyp: E-Artikel
  • Titel: Calculation of melting curves for DNA
  • Beteiligte: Crothers, Donald M.
  • Erschienen: Wiley, 1968
  • Erschienen in: Biopolymers, 6 (1968) 10, Seite 1391-1404
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • DOI: 10.1002/bip.1968.360061003
  • ISSN: 0006-3525; 1097-0282
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen:
  • Beschreibung: AbstractA method is reported for calculating the melting curve of a DNA molecule of random base sequence, including in the formalism the dependence of the free energy of base pair formation on the size of a denatured section. Some explicit results are shown for a “typical” base sequence, in particular the probability of helix formation at individual base pairs in several different regions of the molecule and the amount of melting from the end of the chain. Particular attention is drawn to the variation of local melting behavior from one region of the molecule to another. It is found that sections rich in AT melt at relatively low temperatures with a fairly broad transition curve, whereas regions rich in GC pairs melt at higher temperatures (as expected) with a very abrupt, local transition curve. To account qualitatively for the results one may divide melting into two kinds of processes: (a) the nucleation and growth of denatured regions, and (b) the merging together of two denatured sections at the expense of the intervening helix. The first of these processes dominates in the first stages of melting, and leads to rather broad local melting curves, whereas the second process predominates in the later stages, and occurs, in a particular part of the molecule, over a very narrow temperature range. It is estimated that the average length of a helix plus adjacent coil section at the midpoint of the transition is approximately 600 base pairs. Since transition curves which measure the local melting behavior reflect local compositions fluctuations, these curves contain information about the broad outlines of base sequence in the molecule. Some suggestions are made concerning experiments by which this potential information source could be exploited. In particular, it is pointed out that one might hope to map AT or GC rich regions at particular genetic loci in a biologically active DNA molecule. Values of the relevant parameters found earlier for the transition of homopolymers produce melting curves for a DNA of random base sequence which are in good agreement with the experimental transition curve for T2 phage DNA. Hence the present theoretical picture of the melting of polynucleotides is at least internally self‐consistent.