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Medientyp: E-Artikel Titel: Towards an automation of the mutation analysis dedicated to model transformation Beteiligte: Aranega, Vincent; Mottu, Jean‐Marie; Etien, Anne; Degueule, Thomas; Baudry, Benoit; Dekeyser, Jean‐Luc Erschienen: Wiley, 2015 Erschienen in: Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 25 (2015) 5-7, Seite 653-683 Sprache: Englisch DOI: 10.1002/stvr.1532 ISSN: 0960-0833; 1099-1689 Entstehung: Anmerkungen: Beschreibung: SummaryA benefit of model‐driven engineering relies on the automatic generation of artefacts from high‐level models through intermediary levels using model transformations. In such a process, the input must be well designed, and the model transformations should be trustworthy. Because of the specificities of models and transformations, classical software test techniques have to be adapted. Among these techniques, mutation analysis has been ported, and a set of mutation operators has been defined. However, it currently requires considerable manual work and suffers from the test data set improvement activity. This activity is a difficult and time‐consuming job and reduces the benefits of the mutation analysis. This paper addresses the test data set improvement activity. Model transformation traceability in conjunction with a model of mutation operators and a dedicated algorithm allow to automatically or semi‐automatically produce improved test models. The approach is validated and illustrated in two case studies written in Kermeta.Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.