> Detailanzeige
Aad, G.;
Abbott, B.;
Abdallah, J.;
Abdelalim, A.A.;
Abdesselam, A.;
Abdinov, O.;
Abi, B.;
Abolins, M.;
Abramowicz, H.;
Abreu, H.;
Acerbi, E.;
Acharya, B.S.;
Adams, D.L.;
Addy, T.N.;
Adelman, J.;
Aderholz, M.;
Adomeit, S.;
Adragna, P.;
Adye, T.;
Aefsky, S.;
Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A.;
Aharrouche, M.;
Ahlen, S.P.;
Ahles, F.;
Search for squarks and gluinos using final states with jets and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in s=7 TeV proton–proton collisions
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- Medientyp: E-Artikel
- Titel: Search for squarks and gluinos using final states with jets and missing transverse momentum with the ATLAS detector in s=7 TeV proton–proton collisions
- Beteiligte: Aad, G.; Abbott, B.; Abdallah, J.; Abdelalim, A.A.; Abdesselam, A.; Abdinov, O.; Abi, B.; Abolins, M.; Abramowicz, H.; Abreu, H.; Acerbi, E.; Acharya, B.S.; Adams, D.L.; Addy, T.N.; Adelman, J.; Aderholz, M.; Adomeit, S.; Adragna, P.; Adye, T.; Aefsky, S.; Aguilar-Saavedra, J.A.; Aharrouche, M.; Ahlen, S.P.; Ahles, F.; [...]
Elsevier BV, 2012
- Erschienen in: Physics Letters B, 710 (2012) 1, Seite 67-85
- Sprache: Englisch
- DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.02.051
- ISSN: 0370-2693
- Schlagwörter: Nuclear and High Energy Physics
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