• Medientyp: E-Artikel
  • Titel: A program-level approach to revising logic programs under the answer set semantics
  • Beteiligte: DELGRANDE, JAMES P.
  • Erschienen: Cambridge University Press (CUP), 2010
  • Erschienen in: Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • DOI: 10.1017/s1471068410000281
  • ISSN: 1471-0684; 1475-3081
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  • Beschreibung: <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>An approach to the <jats:italic>revision</jats:italic> of logic programs under the answer set semantics is presented. For programs <jats:italic>P</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic>, the goal is to determine the answer sets that correspond to the revision of <jats:italic>P</jats:italic> by <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic>, denoted <jats:italic>P</jats:italic> * <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic>. A fundamental principle of classical (AGM) revision, and the one that guides the approach here, is the <jats:italic>success postulate</jats:italic>. In AGM revision, this stipulates that α ∈ <jats:italic>K</jats:italic> * α. By analogy with the success postulate, for programs <jats:italic>P</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic>, this means that the answer sets of <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic> will in some sense be contained in those of <jats:italic>P</jats:italic> * <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic>. The essential idea is that for <jats:italic>P</jats:italic> * <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic>, a three-valued answer set for <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic>, consisting of positive and negative literals, is first determined. The positive literals constitute a regular answer set, while the negated literals make up a minimal set of naf literals required to produce the answer set from <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic>. These literals are propagated to the program <jats:italic>P</jats:italic>, along with those rules of <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic> that are not <jats:italic>decided</jats:italic> by these literals. The approach differs from work in <jats:italic>update logic programs</jats:italic> in two main respects. First, we ensure that the revising logic program has higher priority, and so we satisfy the success postulate; second, for the preference implicit in a revision <jats:italic>P</jats:italic> * <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic>, the program <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic> as a whole takes precedence over <jats:italic>P</jats:italic>, unlike update logic programs, since answer sets of <jats:italic>Q</jats:italic> are propagated to <jats:italic>P</jats:italic>. We show that a core group of the AGM postulates are satisfied, as are the postulates that have been proposed for update logic programs.</jats:p>