• Medientyp: E-Artikel
  • Beteiligte: Murjani, Akhmad; Hanafie, Agussyarif; Aisiah, Siti; Rijal Kamil, Ahmad
  • Erschienen: Center for Journal Management and Publication, Lambung Mangkurat University, 2022
  • Erschienen in: Fish Scientiae
  • Sprache: Nicht zu entscheiden
  • DOI: 10.20527/fishscientiae.v12i1.185
  • ISSN: 2541-1187; 1693-3710
  • Schlagwörter: General Medicine ; General Chemistry
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen:
  • Beschreibung: <jats:p>Menyedia benih dalam usaha budidaya ikan gurami (Osphronemus gouramy lac.) memegang peranan yang sangat  penting. Kendala utama  dalam usaha pembenihan ikan gurami di kolam adalah tingginya tingkat mortalitas, terutama pada saat telur dan larva. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan persentasi daya tetas telur dan kelulusan hidup larva ikan gurami pada media sumber air pemeliharaan yang berbeda. Penelitian menggunakan RAL dengan 3 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yaitu perlakuan A sumber air sumur, perlakuan B sumber air kolam, dan perlakuan C sumber air bioflok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan daya tetas telur perlakuan air sumur (98,43%) meningkat 0,28% dibandingkan dari perlakukan air kolam (98,15%) dan perlakukan air sumur (98,43%) meningkat 12,26% dibandingkan dari perlakuan air bioflok (86,17%), perlakuan air kolam (98,15%) meningkat 11,98% dibandingkan dari perlakuan air bioflok (86,17%). Kelulusan hidup pada perlakuan air sumur (88,72%) meningkat 1,11% dibandingkan dari perlakukan air kolam (87,61%) dan perlakukan air sumur (88,72%) meningkat 27,13% dibandingkan dari perlakuan air bioflok (61,57%), perlakuan air kolam (87,61%) meningkat 26,02% dibandingkan dari perlakuan air bioflok (61,57%). peningkatan daya tetas telur dan kelulusan hidup benih ikan gurami dengan media air sumur lebih baik dibandingkan dengan media air kolam dan media air bioflok.&#x0D; Providing seeds in the cultivation of gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy lac.) plays an important role. One of the biggest obstacles in the hatchery of gouramy in ponds is the high mortality rate, especially at the time of eggs and larvae. This research was aimed to increase the percentage of egg hatchability and survival rate of gouramy larvae in different rearing water sources. The research used RAL with 3 treatments and 3 repetitions, they are treatment A from well water, treatment B from pond water, and treatment C from biofloc water sources. The results showed that the hatchability of eggs from well water treatment (98.43%) increased by 0.28% compared to that of pond water treatment (98.15%) and well water treatment (98.43%) increased by 12.26% compared to water treatment. biofloc (86.17%), pond water treatment (98.15%) increased by 11.98% compared to biofloc water treatment (86.17%). Life pass in well water treatment (88.72%) increased by 1.11% compared to pond water treatment (87.61%) and well water treatment (88.72%) increased by 27.13% compared to biofloc water treatment (61 ,57%), pond water treatment (87.61%) increased by 26.02% compared to biofloc water treatment (61.57%). The use of well water media increased egg hatchability and survival rate of gouramy compared to pond water media and biofloc water media</jats:p>