• Medientyp: Elektronischer Konferenzbericht
  • Titel: Analysis of the Introduction of Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing into Businesses in Latvia
  • Beteiligte: Birznieks, Janis; Licite-Kurbe, Lasma
  • Erschienen: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Faculty of Economics and Social Development, 2021
  • Erschienen in: Economic Science for Rural Development, 55 (2021), Seite 284-295
  • Umfang: 284-295
  • Sprache: Ohne Angabe
  • DOI: 10.22616/esrd.2021.55.028
  • ISSN: 2255-9930
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen:
  • Beschreibung: The market of global business intelligence technologies reached EUR 18.3 billion in 2017 and is expected to reach EUR 22.8 billion in the near future, as such technologies provide companies with a number of benefits: new information for business decision-making, real-time financial reporting and manual work automation. Nevertheless, many companies around the world do not achieve the desired results of applying business intelligence and data warehousing technologies. The research aims to develop scenarios for applying business intelligence and data warehousing tools in entrepreneurship in Latvia based on an examination of the tools. The research has found that the companies examined in the case study have introduced business intelligence along with data warehousing; however, there are differences in applying the business intelligence and the level of its advancement. Overall, a business intelligence system makes core and support operations and processes faster, as well as reduces costs and requires less human resources. However, problems were identified concerning a lack of motivation in employees to learn new technologies. The scenario analysis concluded that large companies should perform as many administrative and technological processes related to the mentioned technologies as possible themselves rather than outsource them, which allows them to save funds on the development of such technologies and improve the company’s data culture.