The spaniards in the roads of the extreme north of Peru in 1532 Abstract Based on the accounts of the chroniclers who accompanied Pizarro from Tumbes to Cajamarca, the list of tambos from 1543, the information on local caciques from 1548, and the archaeological reconnaissance of sites along the trails of the extreme north of Peru, it was possible to reconstruct the Inca routes on the coast and highlands along which the Spanish traveled in 1532. We located the administrative and ceremonial centers from which the Inca controlled the local caciques of the northeastern and southeastern slopes of the hills of Amotape, the valleys of the Chira and Piura rivers on the coast, and those of the highlands of Caxas and Huancabamba; we also identified the tambos along these routes. In addition, it was possible to find the fortified sites and settlements of the caciques of Pabur and Serran in the Piura valley. Finally, an attempt was made to locate the terrains and irrigation canals that permitted the agricultural production of the different cacicazgos.