• Medientyp: E-Artikel
  • Titel: SDSR A New Hybrid Secure Routing Protocol using Trust Recommendations in MANET
  • Beteiligte: Velagaleti, Sesha Bhargavi; Seetha, M.; Raju, S.Viswanadha
  • Erschienen: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP, 2020
  • Erschienen in: International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 9 (2020) 5, Seite 1092-1095
  • Sprache: Ohne Angabe
  • DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.e1042.069520
  • ISSN: 2249-8958
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen:
  • Beschreibung: A mobile ad hoc network is a dynamic network which can be established when there is no possibility or if it is practically impossible to establish a standard cellular infrastructure for communication. It is a form of decentralized wireless network where nodes are independent of each other and operate on their own. Every node is free to move in and out of the network as and when needed. This also introduces many concerns about security of data being forwarded through these nodes as there is no fixed dedicated mechanism to verify the authenticity of the nodes that join and leave the network at varied times. As MANET is a multi-hop network, data should be forwarded through many intermediate nodes, before it actually arrives at the intended destination. So data on transit through these intermediate nodes should be protected from any malicious nodes. Different protocols were proposed in literature that address the security concerns of routing considering varying parameters. This paper illustrates a hybrid routing protocol, SDSR Secure Dynamic Source Routing Protocol which takes the recommendations of neighbour nodes to judge about node’s authenticity and uses that information to calculate the trust value of a node. Using trust values of nodes, malicious nodes are identified and those nodes are excluded from data transmission path between the source and destination. The performance of SDSR is also evaluated in terms of efficiency parameters like Packet Delivery Ratio, Packet Loss, Communication Overhead, Throughput etc., and results are presented. This protocol can also be compared with existing routing protocols proposed for MANETS in terms of various quality of service parameters.