• Medientyp: E-Artikel
  • Titel: Land–sea coupling of early Pleistocene glacial cycles in the southern North Sea exhibit dominant Northern Hemisphere forcing
  • Beteiligte: Donders, Timme H.; van Helmond, Niels A. G. M.; Verreussel, Roel; Munsterman, Dirk; ten Veen, Johan; Speijer, Robert P.; Weijers, Johan W. H.; Sangiorgi, Francesca; Peterse, Francien; Reichart, Gert-Jan; Sinninghe Damsté, Jaap S.; Lourens, Lucas; Kuhlmann, Gesa; Brinkhuis, Henk
  • Erschienen: Copernicus GmbH, 2018
  • Erschienen in: Climate of the Past, 14 (2018) 3, Seite 397-411
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • DOI: 10.5194/cp-14-397-2018
  • ISSN: 1814-9332
  • Entstehung:
  • Anmerkungen:
  • Beschreibung: Abstract. We assess the disputed phase relations between forcing andclimatic response in the early Pleistocene with a spliced Gelasian(∼2.6–1.8 Ma) multi-proxy record from the southern NorthSea basin. The cored sections couple climate evolution on both land and seaduring the intensification of Northern Hemisphere glaciation (NHG) in NWEurope, providing the first well-constrained stratigraphic sequence of theclassic terrestrial Praetiglian stage. Terrestrial signals were derived fromthe Eridanos paleoriver, a major fluvial system that contributed a largeamount of freshwater to the northeast Atlantic. Due to its latitudinalposition, the Eridanos catchment was likely affected by early PleistoceneNHG, leading to intermittent shutdown and reactivation of river flow andsediment transport. Here we apply organic geochemistry, palynology, carbonateisotope geochemistry, and seismostratigraphy to document both vegetationchanges in the Eridanos catchment and regional surface water conditions andrelate them to early Pleistocene glacial–interglacial cycles and relativesea level changes. Paleomagnetic and palynological data provide a solidintegrated timeframe that ties the obliquity cycles, expressed in theborehole geophysical logs, to Marine Isotope Stages (MIS) 103 to 92,independently confirmed by a local benthic oxygen isotope record. Marine andterrestrial palynological and organic geochemical records provide high-resolution reconstructions of relative terrestrial and sea surfacetemperature (TT and SST), vegetation, relative sea level, and coastalinfluence. During the prominent cold stages MIS 98 and 96, as well as 94, the recordindicates increased non-arboreal vegetation, low SST and TT, and lowrelative sea level. During the warm stages MIS 99, 97, and 95 we inferincreased stratification of the water column together with a higherpercentage ofarboreal vegetation, high SST, and relative sea level maxima. The earlyPleistocene distinct warm–cold alterations are synchronous between land andsea, but lead the relative sea level change by 3000–8000 years. Therecord provides evidence for a dominantly Northern Hemisphere-driven cooling that leads theglacial buildup and varies on the obliquity timescale. Southward migration ofArctic surface water masses during glacials, indicated by cool-waterdinoflagellate cyst assemblages, is furthermore relevant for the discussionon the relation between the intensity of the Atlantic meridional overturningcirculation and ice sheet growth.
  • Zugangsstatus: Freier Zugang