> Publishers' series
Strategy and science toward a national security policy fo the 1970's; hearings before the Subcommittee on National Security Policy and Scientific Developments of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives; ninety-first congress, first session; March 11, 13, 18, 19, 24, and 26, 1969
Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1969
United States policy toward Asia report of the Subcommittee on the Far East and the Pacific of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives on the hearings ...; January 25, 26, 27, February 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, March 8, 9, and 10, 1966 pursuant to H. Res. 84; 89th congress, 2d session; May 19, 1966
Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1966
Resolved: that the United States should substantially reduce its foreign policy commitments a collection of excerpts and a bibliography relating to the national collegiate debate topic, 1966 - 1967; pursuant to public law 88-246; October 1966 comp. by the Foreign Affairs Division of the Legislative Reference Service, Library of Congress
Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1966
Sino-Soviet conflict report on Sino-Soviet conflict and its implications by the Subcommittee on the Far East and the Pacific of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives together with hearings held by Subcommittee on the Far East and the Pacific, March 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, and 31, 1965 pursuant to H. Res. 84 ...; 89th congress, 1st session; May 14, 1965
Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1965
History of the United States, House of Representatives
Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1965
Maximum desirable Dimensions and weights of vehicles operated on the federal-aid systems letter from the Secretary of Commerce transmitting a report entitled "Maximum desirable Dimensions and weights of vehicles operated on the federal-aid system", pursuant to section 108 [k] of the federal-aid highway act of 1956, approved june 29, 1956 (70 stat. 374), as amended by the act approved august 28, 1958 [72 stat. 983] United States Bureau of Public Roads
Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964
United States defense policies in 1959 86th congress, 2d session; May 27, 1960 prepared ... by the Library of Congress, Legislative Reference Service
Washington: US Government Print. Office, 1960
The Federal role in highway safety letter from the secretary of commerce, transmitting the report on the investigation and study made to determine what action can be taken by the federal government to promote the public welfare by increasing highway safety in the United States, pursuant to section 117 of the federal-aid highway act of 1956, ... = Letter from the Sec. of Commerce, transmitting the report on the investigation and study made to determine what action can be taken by the federal government to promote the public welfare by increasing highway safety in the United States United States, Dept. of Commerce
Washington: United States, Government printing Office, 1959
Report on motor vehicle industry pursuant to joint resolution no. 87 (H.J. RES. 594) seventy-fifth congress, third session Federal Trade Commission
Washington, DC: Gov. Print. Off., 1939
Documents illustrative of the formation of the Union of the American states [selected, arranged and indexed by Charles C. Tansill]
Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1927 [erschienen] 1965
Geology and ore deposits of the Tintic mining district, Utah by Waldemar Lindgren and G. F. Loughlin. With a historical review by V. C. Heikes
Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1919
The war with Germany a statistical summary by Leonard P. Ayres
Washington: Government Pr. Office, 1919
The Broad Pass region, Alaska with sections on Quaternary deposits, igneous rocks and glaciation by Fred H. Moffit; Joseph E. Pogue
Washington: Govt. Print. Off., 1915
The Mesabi Iron-bearing district of Minnesota Charles Kenneth Leith
Washington: Gov. Print. Off., 1903
Pseudoceratites of the cretaceous
Washington, 1903
Glacial formations and drainage features of the Erie and Ohio basins by Frank Leverett
Washington: Gov. Print. Off., 1902
The Illinois glacial Globe Frank Leverett
Washington, 1899
The housing of the working people Elgin Ralston Lovell Gould
Washington, 1895
The cholera epidemic of 1873 in the United States
Washington: Government Print. Office, 1875
A report upon the condition of affairs in the territory of Alaska by Henry W. Elliott
Washington: Government Print. Office, 1875
Exploration of the valley of the Amazon P. 1 / by [Wm. Lewis] Herndon by Wm. Lewis Herndon and Lardner Gibbon
Washington: Armstrong, 1854
Message From The President Of The United States Transmitting Copies Of The Several Instructions To The Ministers of the U. States to the Government of France And Of The Correspondence With Said Government, Having Reference To The Spoliations Committed by that Power On The Commerce Of The United States, Anterior To September 30, 1800, &c.; In compliance with a resolution of the Senate; May 20, 1826 [John Quincy Adams]
Washington: Gales & Seaton, 1826