Media type: Book Title: Preparatory studies for deductive methods in storm and weather predictions Contributor: Abbe, Cleveland [Author] Published: Washington, 1890 Published in: USA: House documents / House of Representatives, US Congress ; 51,1,1,2 Language: English Origination: Footnote: Provenance information: Jus.Amer.778-51,1,1,2 / Abgang: Sächsische Landesbibliothek / Bibliotheksexemplar / Erläuterung: Kriegsverlust. Nachgewiesen im Standortkatalog bis 1927 | Provenienzmerkmal
Central Library – not in library anymore Shelf-mark: Jus.Amer.778-51,1,1,2 Item ID: 12112768N Status: war losses