> Publishers' series
Women and US politics historical and contemporary perspectives : essays in Honor of Hans-Jürgen Grabbe edited by Julia Nitz, Axel R. Schäfer
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2020]
Comic Art and Avant-Garde Bill Watterson's "Calvin and Hobbes" and the Art of American Newspaper Comic Strips Joy Katzmarzik
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2019]
Paul Austers autobiographische Werke Stationen einer Schriftstellerkarriere Christian Eilers
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2019]
American counter / publics Ulla Haselstein, Frank Kelleter, Alexander Starre, Birte Wege (eds.)
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2019]
The Americanization of human rights Iranian, African, and Chinese lives in American autobiography Sunčica Klaas
Heidelberg, Neckar: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH Heidelberg, [2018]
Revisionist approaches to American realism and naturalism Jutta Ernst, Sabina Matter-Seidel, Klaus H. Schmidt (Eds.)
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2018]
Medical humanities in American studies life writing, narrative medicine, and the power of autobiography Mita Banerjee
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2018]
Violence and open spaces the subversion of boundaries and the transformation of the western genre edited by Stefanie Mueller, Christa Buschendorf, Katja Sarkowsky
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2017]
Acoustic entanglements sound and aesthetic practice Sabine Kim
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2017]
Postblack aesthetics the freedom to be black in contemporary African American fiction Christian Schmidt
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2017]
Deliberately out of bounds women's work on classical myth in nineteenth-century American fiction Michaela Keck
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2017]
Reading the canon literary history in the 21st century edited by Philipp Löffler
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2017]
Crossroads in American studies transnational and biocultural encounters : essays in honor of Rüdiger Kunow edited by Frederike Offizier, Marc Priewe, Ariane Schröder
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2016]
Patterns of positioning on the poetics of early abolition Carsten Junker
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2016]
The kitchen and the factory spaces of women’s work and the negotiation of social difference in antebellum American literature Katja Kanzler
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2016]
The Journey of Life in American life and literature Peter Freese (ed.)
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2015]
Transgressive television politics and crime in 21st-century American TV series Birgit Däwes, Alexandra Ganser, Nicole Poppenhagen (eds.)
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2015]
Transnational mediations negotiating popular culture between Europe and the United States Christof Decker, Astrid Böger (eds.)
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2015]
Rural America ed. by Antje Kley; Heike Paul
Heidelberg: Winter, 2015
Presidential unrealities epistemic panic, cultural work, and the US presidency Sebastian M. Herrmann
Heidelberg: Winter, 2014
"I am because you are" relationality in the works of Siri Hustvedt Christine Marks
Heidelberg: Winter, c 2014
Ecology and life writing ed. by Alfred Hornung
Heidelberg: Winter, 2013
Arab American Literature and Culture Alfred Hornung .... (eds.)
Heidelberg: Winter, 2012
Visual representations of native Americans transnational contexts and perspectives ed. by Karsten Fitz
Heidelberg: Univ.-Verl. Winter, 2012
Machine bodies, genders, technologies ed. by M. Michaela Hampf; Maryann Snyder-Körber
Heidelberg: Winter, 2012
Pirates, drifters, fugitives figures of mobility in the US and beyond Heike Paul; Alexandra Ganser; Katharina Gerund (eds.)
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2012]
Revisiting pragmatism William James in the new millennium Susanne Rohr ; Miriam Strube (eds.)
Heidelberg: Winter, 2012
The American presidency multidisciplinary perspectives : [essays ... grew out of conference papers given at the 55th Annual Convention of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA), which carried the title "The American presidency and political leadership" and was held May 15 - 18, 2008, at the University of Heidelberg] Wilfried Mausbach; Dietmar Schloss; Martin Thunert (eds.)
Heidelberg: Winter, 2012
Mediality, cybernetics, narrativity in the American novel after 1960 Benny Pock
Heidelberg: Winter, 2011
Adaptation and American studies perspectives on research and teaching Nassim Winnie Balestrini (ed.)
Heidelberg: Winter, 2011
Ground Zero fiction history, memory, and representation in the American 9/11 novel Birgit Däwes
Heidelberg: Winter, 2011
Medium und Ereignis '9/11' im amerikanischen Film, Fernsehen und Roman Stefanie Hoth
Heidelberg: Winter, 2011
Education and the USA [... papers presented at the 2009 Jena conference of the German Association of American Studies] ed. by Laurenz Volkmann
Heidelberg: Univ.-Verl. Winter, 2011
American encounters with Islam in the Atlantic world Nicole Waller
Heidelberg: Winter, 2011
Engaging Dreiser Renate von Bardeleben. Ed. by Klaus H. Schmidt
Heidelberg: Univ.-Verl. Winter, 2010
Pynchon's postnational imagination Sascha Pöhlmann
Heidelberg: Winter, c 2010
Auto-biography and mediation ed. by Alfred Hornung
Heidelberg: Winter, 2010 ; Online-Ausg., [s.l.]: eblib, 2012
Living American studies ed. by Mita Banerjee
Heidelberg: Winter, 2010
Money and gender in the American novel, 1850 - 2000 Eva Boesenberg
Heidelberg: Winter, 2010
Beyond the "Imaginary Indian" zur Aushandlung von Stereotypen, kultureller Identität & Perspektiven in, mit indigener Gegenwartsliteratur Nancy Grimm
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2009
Seems like old times postmodern nostalgia in Woody Allen's work Britta Feyerabend
Heidelberg: Winter, 2009
Ethik medialer Repräsentation im britischen und US-amerikanischen Roman, 1741 - 2000 Antje Kley
Heidelberg: Winter, 2009
Civilizing America manners and civility in American literature and culture ; [the essays ... originated at a conference entitled "Civilizing America: Manners and Civility as Categories of Social, Cultural, and Literary Analysis" which was held at the University of Heidelberg in 2004 ...] ed. by Dietmar Schloss
Heidelberg: Winter, 2009
Science: Dramatic science plays in America and Great Britain, 1990 - 2007 Eva-Sabine Zehelein
Heidelberg: Winter, 2009
The clown of Armageddon the novels of Kurt Vonnegut Peter Freese
Heidelberg: Winter, 2009
ConspiraCity New York Großstadtbetrachtung zwischen Paranoia und Selbstermächtigung Antje Dallmann
Heidelberg: Universitätsverl. Winter, c 2009
Representation and decoration in a postmodern age ed. by Alfred Hornung; Rüdiger Kunow
Heidelberg: Winter, 2009
Vision, gender and power in nineteenth-century American women's writing, 1860 - 1900 Birgit Spengler
Heidelberg: Winter, 2008
Ethnic ventriloquism literary minstrelsy in nineteenth-century American literature Mita Banerjee
Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, [2008]
"The highpriest of pessimism" zur Rezeption Schopenhauers in den USA Christa Buschendorf
Heidelberg: Winter, 2008
Media and American studies in the EFL-classroom ed. by Jürgen Donnerstag; Laurenz Volkmann
Heidelberg: Winter, 2008
"But truth is ever incoherent ..." dis/continuity in Herman Melvilles's Moby-Dick Astrid Recker
Heidelberg: Winter, 2008
Transcultural visions of identities in images and texts transatlantic American studies ; [Festschrift in honor of Günter H. Lenz ; outcome of an International Conference in Honor of Günter H. Lenz at Humboldt-University Berlin in February 2005] ed. by Wilfried Raussert; Reinhard Isensee
Heidelberg: Winter, c 2008
From sites of memory to cybersights (re)framing Japanese American experiences Ingrid Gessner
Heidelberg: Winter, 2007
Melodrama! the mode of excess from early America to Hollywood ed. by Frank Kelleter
Heidelberg: Winter, c 2007
Unternehmensverbände in den USA Interessenvermittlung im pluralistischen System Matthias S. Fifka
Heidelberg: Winter, c 2005
Ethics in postmodern fiction Donald Barthelme and William Gass Barbara Schwerdtfeger
Heidelberg: Winter, 2005
'Infinite diversity in infinite combinations' the multicultural evolution of Star Trek Katja Kanzler
Heidelberg: Winter, 2004
Ambivalent desires the "New Woman" between social modernization and modern writing Angelika Köhler
Heidelberg: Winter, 2004
The sixties revisited culture, society, politics ed. by Jürgen Heideking
Heidelberg: Winter, 2001
Making America: the cultural work of literature ed. by Susanne Rohr
Heidelberg: Winter, 2000
Multiculturalism and the American self ed. by William Boelhower
Heidelberg: Winter, 2000
Emotion in postmodernism ed. by Gerhard Hoffmann
Heidelberg: Winter, 1997
Democracy and the arts in the United States Alfred Hornung ... (ed.)
München: Fink, 1996
Martin Luther in the American imagination Hartmut Lehmann
München: Fink, 1988
The story of identity American fiction of the Sixties Manfred Pütz
München: Fink, 1987