> Publishers' series
Neuroplasticity in second language acquisition vorgelegt von Xuehu Wei, MSc
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2023
Non-adjacent dependency learning development, domain differences, and memory vorgelegt von Mariella Paul
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2022
Bilateral upper-limb coordination in aging and stroke eingereicht von: M.Sc. Pei-Cheng Shih
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2022
Neural bases of linguistic pitch in a tonal language intonation, lexical tone, and the role of language experience vorgelegt von Pei-Ju Chien, M.A
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2022
The neural correlates of basic semantic composition evidence from fMRI, lesion-behavior mapping and EEG vorgelegt von Astrid Graessner, M.A
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2022
Schema and value characterizing the role of the rostral and ventral medial prefrontal cortex in episodic future thinking vorgelegt von Dipl.-Psych. Philipp C. Paulus
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2022
How language shapes the developing brain an investigation of the white matter structures underlying language acquisition $hvorgelegt von Clara Ekerdt, M.Sc
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2021
Compound motor control non-invasive approaches to uncover principles and mechanisms Rouven Kenville
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2021
Physiological mirror activity neural correlates and mechanisms eingereicht von Tom Maudrich, geb. Neithardt
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2021
Behavioral adaption and the processing of positive and negative action consequences in obesity Jana Kube
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, [2021]
The central contribution of prosody to sentence processing evidence from behavioural and neuroimaging studies Constantijn Laurens van der Burght
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2021
Development and evaluation of an adaptive working memory training intervention Juliane Weicker
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, [2021]
The neural basis of conceptual knowledge retrieval insights from fMRI & TMS in the healthy human brain Philipp Kuhnke
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2021
Investigating mind-brain-body interactions within the multi-systemic phenomenon of stress Roman Linz
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2020
Neural correlates of working memory training fMRI analyses in healthy older adults vorgelegt von Master of Science Psychologin Nicole Hudl
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2020
The effect of uncertainty in MEG-to-MRI coregistrations on MEG inverse problems vorgelegt von Hermann Sonntag
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2020
The neurocognitive basis of musical expectancy and pleasure a computational modelling approach Vincent Ka Ming Cheung
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2020
Why do infants imitate selectively? Neural correlates of infants' action understanding in the head-touch paradigm Miriam Langeloh
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2020
Brain network dynamics in deviance response and auditory perception Shih-Cheng Chien
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2020
The brain structure during language development neural correlates of sentence comprehension in preschool children Ting Qi
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2020
From syllables to words language perception and language acquisition of young children with cochlear implants Niki K. Vavatzanidis
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Bain Sciences, 2019
Conciliating language differences with universal competence in brain structure and function von Tomás Barato Goucha
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2019
The impact of speaker information on language processing Leon Otto Heinrich Kroczek
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for human cognitive and brain sciences, 2019
The brain basis of emerging literacy and numeracy skills longitudinal neuroimaging evidence from kindergarten to primary school Ulrike Kuhl
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for human cognitive and brain sciences, 2019
What makes us social? investigating mindreading from the eyes in adulthood vorgelegt von Master of Science Psychologie Jana Kynast
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2019
The impact of nutrition on hippocampal function results of a literature review and a randomized controlled trial Sebastian Huhn
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2019
The effects of neurocognitive aging on sentence processing Caroline Beese
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2019
Conscious and unconscious somatosensory perception and its modulation by attention Norman Forschack
Leipzig: Max Planck Institut für Kognitions- u. Neurowissenschaften, 2019
The melodic mind neural basis of intonation in speech and music vorgelegt von Dr. rer. nat. Daniela Sammler
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2018
The brain basis of developmental dyslexia von Michael Artur Skeide
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2018
The emergence of theory of mind cognitive and neural basis of false belief understanding in preschool age vorgelegt von Dipl.-Phys. Charlotte Grosse Wiesmann
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2018
Motorische Plastizität über die Lebensspanne Untersuchungen zur Reduktion altersbedingter feinmotorischer Defizite durch motorisches Lernen und nicht-invasiver Hirnstimulation eingereicht von: Maike Hoff
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2018
Augmenting motor performance with Mirror Visual Feedback (MVF) underlying mechanisms and neural correlates eingereicht von: Viola Rjosk
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2018
Abstract pointing ERP and behavioral evidence for its role in reference tracking vorgelegt von Dipl.-Psych. J. E. Douglas Weinbrenner
Leipzig: Max-Planck-Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2017
On the endogenous generation of emotion vorgelegt von Cand. Psychol. Haakon G. Engen
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2017
Resting-state functional connectivity in the brain and its relation to language development in preschool children vorgelegt von Yaqiong Xiao
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2017
The structure of the social brain dissociating socio-affective and socio-cognitive networks through the study of individual differences, brain plasticity, and disease models von MSc. Sofie Louise Valk
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2017
Myeloarchitecture and intrinsic functional connectivity of auditory cortex in musicians with absolute pitch vorgelegt von Dr. rer. nat. Seung-Goo Kim
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2017
Augmenting dynamic balance performance by transcranial direct current stimulation eingereicht von: Dipl. Psych. Elisabeth Kaminski
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2017
Exploring structural and functional brain dynamics across the menstrual cycle eingereicht von: M.Sc. Claudia Barth
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2017
Predicting developmental dyslexia at a preliterate age by combining behavioral assessment with structural MRI vorgelegt von M.A., Indra Kraft
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2016
Handlungsverständnis in den ersten Lebensjahren Retrospektive und prospektive Verarbeitung vorgelegt von Dipl.-Psych. Manja Attig
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2016
Plasticity following stroke the recovery of functional networks as measured by resting-state functional connectivity Smadar Ovadia-Caro
Leipzig: Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, 2016
The processing of complex syntax in early childhood von Anna Strotseva-Feinschmidt, M.A
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2016
Breaking down complexity the neutral basis of the syntactic merge mechanism in the human brain Emiliano Zaccarella
Potsdam, 2016 ; Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2016
Out of control behaviors? investigating mechanisms of behavioral control in alcohol addiction, binge eating disorder, and associated risk factors vorgelegt von Dipl. Psych. Andrea Maria Franziska Reiter
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2016
Music-based gait rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease vorgelegt von Charles-Étienne Benoit, M. Sc
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2016
Food craving regulation in the brain The role of weight status and associated personality aspects eingereicht von: M.Sc. Biologie Anja Dietrich geb. Otto
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2016
How actors become attractors a neurocognitive investigation of linguistic actorhood vorgelegt von Sabine Frenzel
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2016
How the brain attunes to sentence processing relating behavior, structure, and function vorgelegt von Anja Fengler, Dipl. Patholinguist ; Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Angela D. Friederici, Prof. Dr. Christian Fiebach
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, [2016]
Neural oscillations in auditory working memory vorgelegt von Anna Wilsch
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2015
Memory and prediction in sentence processing evidence from behavioral performance, eye tracking, and brain imaging vorgelegt von Corinna Eirene Christiane Ingeborg Bärbel Elisabeth Bonhage
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2015
Learning together or learning alone investigating the role of social interaction in second language word learning vorgelegt von Laura Verga
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2015
Sustained spatial attention in touch underlying brain areas and their interaction Dominique Goltz
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2015
Brain, mood and cognition in hypothyroidism eingereicht von: Diplompsychologin, Master of Philosophy (Cambridge, GB) Eva Maria Quinque, geb. Weig ; Betreuer: Prof. Arno Villringer
Leipzig: Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, 2015
Neural dynamics of selective attention to speech in noise Malte Wöstmann
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2015
Visual, auditory, and visual-auditory speech processing in school children with writing difficulties Gesa Schaadt
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2015
A model-based cortical parcellation scheme for high-resolution 7 Tesla MRI data Juliane Dinse
Leipzig: Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, 2015
Neural oscillatory dynamics of spoken word recognition vorgelegt von Antje Strauß
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2015
The brain dynamics of comprehending degraded speech vorgelegt von Jonas Obleser
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2015
Plausibility Tracking a method to evaluate anatomical connectivity and microstructural properties along fiber pathways von Jan-Michael Schreiber
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2014
Rules don't come easy investigating feedback-based learning of phonotactic rules in language vorgelegt von Iris Nikola Knierim
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2014
The neural dynamics of perceptual adaptation to degraded speech vorgelegt von Julia Erb
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2014
Neural bases of emotional processing in affective disorders vorgelegt von Philipp Kanske
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2014
Die Beteiligung des Cerebellums am verbalen Arbeitsgedächtnis vorgelegt von Katja Macher
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2014
Whole-brain cortical parcellation a hierarchical method based an dMRI tractography David Moreno-Dominguez
[Leipzig]: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2014
Temporal adaptation and anticipation mechanisms in sensorimotor synchronization von Maria Christine van der Steen
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2014
Action perception in development the role of experience vorgelegt von Anne Keitel (geb. Melzer)
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2014
A referential coding account for the social Simon effect von Thomas Dolk
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2013
Song and speech perception evidence from fMRI, lesion studies and musical disorder vorgelegt von Julia Merrill
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2013
The working memory of argument-verb dependencies spatiotemporal brain dynamics during sentence processing vorgelegt von Lars Meyer
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2013
Treatment of non-fluent aphasia through melody, rhythm and formulaic language Benjamin Stahl
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2013
Learning by doing? gesture-based word-learning and its neural correlates in healthy volunteers and patients with residual aphasia vorgelegt von Klaus-Martin Krönke
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2013
Action prediction in the aging mind Nadine Diersch
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2013
When the hedgehog kisses the frog a functional and structural investigation of syntactic processing in the developing brain Lisa Joana Knoll
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2013
Brain networks for language anatomy and functional roles of neural pathways supporting language comprehension and repetition vorgelegt von Sarah M. E. Gierhan
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2013
Neurotransmitter receptor distribution in Broca's area and the posterior superior temporal gyrus vorgelegt von Mareike Bacha-Trams
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Siences, 2013
The role of goal representations in action control vorgelegt von Andrea Michaela Walter
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Siences, 2013
The rhythm's gonna get you: ERP and fMRI evidence on the interaction of metric and semantic processing vorgelegt von Kathrin Rothermich
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2013
Emotion processing in Parkinson's disease the role of motor symptom asymmetry vorgelegt von Patricia Garrido Vásquez
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2012
In vivo anatomical segmentation of the human amygdala and parcellation of emotional processing vorgelegt von Eugenia Solano-Castiella
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2012
Plastizität im sensomotorischen System lerninduzierte Veränderungen in der Struktur und Funktion des menschlichen Gehrins vorgelegt von Marco Taubert
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2012
Syntax and semantics networks in the developing brain Michael A. Skeide
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2012
Knowing what's next the role of the cerebellum in generating predictions vorgelegt von Franziska Knolle (geb. Grimm)
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2012
Beyond activation detection advancing computational techniques for the analysis of functional MRI data von Jane Neumann
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2012
Emotion perception in the multisensory brain vorgelegt von Jessen, Sarah
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2012
Adaptation to temporal structure Michael Schwartze
Leipzig: Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, 2012
Processing mechanisms of argument structure and case-marking in child development neural correlates and behavioral evidence von Christine S. Schipke
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2012
An electrophysiological investigation of Tamil dative-subject constructions R. Muralikrishnan.[Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences]
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2011
Grammar and perception dissociation of early auditory processes in the brain vorgelegt von Björn Herrmann
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2011
Contribution of FDG-PET and MRI to improve understanding, detection and differentiation of dementia eingereicht von: Jürgen Dukart
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2011
Beeinträchtigung frontomedianer Funktionen bei Schädel-Hirn-Trauma eingereicht von: Barbara Ettrich
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2011
The Influence of Animacy and Context on Word Order Processing Neurophysiological Evidence fom Madarin Chinese Luming Wang
Leipzig: Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, 2011
Incremental Argument Interpretation in a split Ergative Language Neurophysiological Evidence from Hindi Kamal Kumar Choudhary
Leipzig: Max-Planck-Institut für Kognitions- und Neurowissenschaften, 2011
Coordination of unimanual continuous movements with external events vorgelegt von Sandra Dietrich
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2011
Exploring the significance of task, timing and background noise on gesture-speech integration vorgelegt von Christian Obermeier
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2011
Mechanismen der frühkindlichen Entwicklung des Handlungsverständnisses vorgelegt von Moritz Matthäus Daum
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2011
Filling the gap temporal and motor aspects of the mental simulation of occluded actions vorgelegt von Peggy Sparenberg
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2011
From stimuli to motor responses decoding rules and decision mechanisms in the human brain vorgelegt von Stefan Bode
Leipzig: Max-Planck-Institut for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2010
The cortical infrastructure of language processing evidence from functional and anatomical neuroimaging vorgelegt von Tim Raettig
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2010
Premotor cortex contributions to abstract and action-related relational processing vorgelegt von Maria Golde
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2010
The interplay of free word order and pro-drop in incremental sentence processing neurophysiological evidence from Japanese Susann Wolff
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2010
Nicht-motorische Funktionen des prämotorischen Kortex Patientenstudien und funktionelle Bildgebung Katrin Sakreida
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2010
Interactions between sentence comprehension and concurrent action the role of movement effects and timing vorgelegt von Christiane Diefenbach, geb. Hauser
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2010
Resting-state functional connectivity fMRI a new approach for assessing functional neuroanatomy in humans with applications to neuroanatomical, developmental and clinical questions Daniel S. Margulies
Leipzig: Max-Planck-Institut for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2010
The interplay between attention and syntactic processes in the adult and developing brain ERP evidences vorgelegt von Franziska Süß
Leipzig: Max-Planck-Institut for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
Brain correlates of cognitive processes underlying intertemporal choice for self and other vorgelegt von Konstanze Albrecht
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
Transformation rules in tool use vorgelegt von Miriam Beisert, geb. Lepper
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
The neuroanatomical overlap of syntax processing in music and language evidence from lesion and intracranial ERP studies vorgelegt von Daniela Sammler
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
Emotion investigated with music of variable valence neurophysiology and cultural influence vorgelegt von Thomas Fritz
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
The comprehension of figurative language electrophysiological evidence on the processing of irony vorgelegt von Stefanie Regel
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
Prosodic processing during language acquisition electrophysiological studies on international phrase processing vorgelegt von Claudia Männel
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
Selective imitation in one-year-olds how a model's characteristics influence imitation vorgelegt von Norbert Zmyj
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
Functional development and structural maturation in the brain's neural network underlying language comprehension vorgelegt von Jens Brauer
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
Neural correlates of intentional actions vorgelegt von Veronika Krieghoff
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
Violation of expectations in sequence processing vorgelegt von Andreja Bubić
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2009
The component mapping problem an investigation of grammatical function reanalysis in differing experimental contexts using event-related brain potentials vorgelegt von Friederike Sophie Haupt, geb. Gärmer
Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2008
Das inferior frontale Kreuzungsareal und seine Rolle bei der kognitiven Kontrolle unseres Verhaltens von Marcel Braß
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2008
Learning from errors genetic evidence for a central role of dopamine in human performance monitoring vorgelegt von Tilmann A. Klein
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2008
Die funktionelle Spezialisierung des lateralen präfrontalen Cortex Untersuchungen mittels funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie Franziska Maria Korb
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2008
Neuronale Verarbeitung emotionaler Prosodie und Syntax die Rolle des verbalen Arbeitsgedächtnisses Sonja Fleischhauer
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2008
Investigating the meaning of music using EEG and fMRI vorgelegt von Nikolaus Steinbeis
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2008
Exploring executive attention in emotion ERP and fMRI evidence vorgelegt von Philipp Kanske
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2008
Syntax in a blink early and automatic processing of syntactic rules as revealed by event-related brain potentials vorgelegt von Anna Sophie Hasting
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2008
The acquisition of case marking information as a cue to argument interpretation in German an electrophysiological investigation with pre-school children vorgelegt von Amelie Mahlstedt
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2008
Music, meaning, and a semantic space for musical sounds vorgelegt von Julia Grieser Painter
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2008
Functional Neuroanatomy of Performance Monitoring fMRI, ERP, and Patient Studies vorgelegt von Markus Ullsperger
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
What's beat got to do with it? The influence of meter on syntacting processing: ERP evidence from healthy and patient population Maren Schmidt-Kassow
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
Neural correlates of the processing of linear and hierarchical artificial grammar rules electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies vorgelegt von Jörg Bahlmann. [Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig]
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
The comprehension of co-speech iconic gestures behavioral, electrophysiological and neuroimaging studies vorgelegt von Henning Holle
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
Incremental argument interpretation in Turkish sentence comprehension vorgelegt von Şükrü Barış Demiral
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
Specific interference effects between temporally overlapping action and perception vorgelegt von Jan Zwickel
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
Vom Brüllen zum Wort MRT-Studien zur kognitiven Verarbeitung emotionaler Vokalisationen von Susanne Dietrich. [Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig]
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
Interaktion von Syntax und Prosodie beim Sprachverstehen Untersuchungen anhand ereigniskorrelierter Hirnpotentiale vorgelegt von Korinna Eckstein
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
Perzeption und akustische Eigenschaften von Emotionen in menschlichem Lachen Diana P. Szameitat
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
Neural correlates of processing syntax in music and language influences of development, musical training, and language impairment vorgelegt von Sebastian Jentschke
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
Die Verarbeitung morphologisch komplexer Wörter bei Kindern im Schulalter neurophysiologische Korrelate der Entwicklung Monika Lück
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
Grammatikverarbeitung im Kindesalter EKP-Studien zum auditorischen Satzverstehen Regine Oberecker
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
Mechanisms of auditory sentence comprehension in children with specific language impairment and children with developmental dyslexia a neurophysiological investigation vorgelegt von Beate Sabisch
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2007
The role of proficiency in syntactic second language processing evidence from event-related brain potentials in German and Italian vorgelegt von: Sonja Rossi
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Behavioral and neural correlates of endogenous control processes in task switching vorgelegt von Birte U. Forstmann
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Die Anwendung von Spektral- und Waveletanalyse zur Untersuchung der Dynamik von BOLD-Zeitreihen verschiedener Hirnareale Karsten Müller
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
The role of the basal ganglia in auditory language processing evidence from ERP lesion studies and funtional neuroimaging vorgelegt von Sonja Annette Kotz
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Habituelle und arbiträre sensomotorische Verknüpfungen im lateralen prämotorischen Kortex des Menschen vorgelegt von Uta Wolfensteller
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Music phrase structure perception the neural basis, the effects of acculturation and musical training vorgelegt von Yun Nan
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Neural correlates of working memory for verbal and tonal stimuli in nonmusicians and musicians with and without absolute pitch vorgelegt von Katrin Schulze
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Interhemispheric interaction in object- and word-related visual areas vorgelegt von Julia Reinholz
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Attaching relative clauses in German the role of implicit and explicit prosody in sentence processing eingereicht von Petra Augurzky
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Electrophysiological evidence on the processing of emotional prosody insights from healthy and patient populations vorgelegt von Silke Paulmann
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Phonological, morphological, and semantic aspects of grammatical gender processing in German vorgelegt von Juliane Hofmann
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Contrastive topic and focus information in discourse prosodic realisation and electrophysiological brain correlates Ulrike Toepel
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
The functional neuroanatomy of text comprehension vorgelegt von Evelyn Christina Ferstl
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Event-related brain activation in speech perception: from sensory to cognitive processes vorgelegt von Päivi Helena Sivonen. [Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leipzig]
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Funktionelle Neuroanatomie des Textverstehens Kohärenzbildung bei Witzen und anderen ungewöhnlichen Texten vorgelegt von Florian Theodor Siebörger
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Enlightening the brain - optical imaging in cognitive neuroscience Matthias Leopold Schroeter
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Aufgabeninhibition als Mechanismus der Konfliktreduktion zwischen Aufgabenrepräsentationen von Miriam Elisabeth Gade. [Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, München]
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2006
Neuronale Grundlagen der Interferenz zwischen Handlung und visueller Wahrnehmung vorgelegt von Claudia Danielmeier
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2005
Functional specialization in the lacteral frontal cortex the role of the inferior frontal junction in cognitive control vorgelegt von Jan Derrfuß
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2005
The cognitive representation of tasks exploring the role of response modalities using the task switching paradigm vorgelegt von Andrea Mona Philipp. [Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciencs, Leipzig, München]
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2005
Mechanisms of auditory sentence comprehension in first and second language an electrophysiological miniature grammar study Jutta L. Müller. [Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, München]
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2005
Die Organisation von Sprache und ihre Reorganisation bei ausgewählten, neurologischen Erkrankungen gemessen mit funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie Einflüsse von Händigkeit, Läsion, Performanz und Perfusion von Margret Hund-Georgiadis. [Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, München]
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sceinces, 2005
Auditorische Diskriminationsleistungen nach unilateralen Läsionen im Di- und Telenzephalon vorgelegt von Franziska Biedermann
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2005
The processing of lexical semantic and syntactic information in spoken sentences neuroimaging and behavioral studies of native and non-native speakers vorgelegt von Shirley-Ann Rüschemeyer
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2005
The development of argument processing mechanisms in German an electrophysiological investigation with school-aged children and adults von Kerstin Leuckefeld
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2005
Bestimmung der Lateralisierung von Sprachprozessen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des temporalen Cortex, gemessen mit fMRT eingereicht von: Axel Christian Kühn
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2005
Prosodische Informationsverarbeitung bei normalsprachlichem und deviantem Satzmaterial Untersuchungen mit ereigniskorrelierten Hirnpotentialen von Ann Pannekamp
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2005
Processing word order variations and ellipses the interplay of syntax and information structure during sentence comprehension von Britta Stolterfoht
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2005
Temporospatial characteristics of error correction vorgelegt von Katja Fiehler
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Zentralnervöse Verarbeitung akustischer Informationen Signalidentifikation, Signallateralisation und zeitgebundene Informationsverarbeitung bei Patienten mit erworbenen Hirnschädigungen vorgelegt von Peggy Bungert
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Sprachverstehen mit Cochlea-Implantat EKP-Studien mit postlingual ertaubten erwachsenen CI-Trägern vorgelegt von Angelika Wolf
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Brain correlates of uncertain decisions types and degrees of incertainty von Kirsten Gesine Volz
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Morphology and spoken word comprehension electrophysiological investigations of internal compound structure vorgelegt von Dirk Köster
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Eine Analyse des raum-zeitlichen Musters neuronaler Aktivierung im Aufgabenwechselparadigma zur Untersuchung handlungssteuernder Prozesse vorgelegt von Hannes Ruge
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Human premotor cortex beyond motor performance vorgelegt von Ricarda Ines Schubotz
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Bewusstes Erinnern und falsches Wiedererkennen eine funktionelle MRT Studie neuroanatomischer Gedächtniskorrelate eingereicht von Golo Clemens von Zerssen
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Functional mapping of basic acoustic parameters in the human central auditory system vorgelegt von Marc Schönwiesner
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Rhythm is gonna get you electrophysiological markers of rhythmic processing in infants with and without risk for specific language impairment (SLI) vorgelegt von Christiane Weber
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Neuronal correlates of selective attention an investigation of elctrophysiological brain responses in the EEG and MEG vorgelegt von Daniel Senkowski
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Magnetresonanztomographische Untersuchungen über die anatomische Variabilität des Frontallappens des menschlichen Großhirns eingereicht von: Hagen Bernhard Huttner
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Einflüsse kontextueller und prosodischer Informationen in der auditorischen Satzverarbeitung Untersuchungen mit ereigniskorrelierten Hirnpotentialen Claudia A. Hruska
Leipzig; München: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004
Analysis of changes in temproral series of medical images Gert Wollny
Leipzig: Max Planck Inst. for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, 2004