> Verlagsreihe
An overview of floor slip-resistance research with annotated bibliography Robert J. Brungraber
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976
Servo techniques in oscillators and measurement systems Fred L. Walls; S. R. Stein
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1976
A prototype semi-automated system for measuring air infiltration in buildings using sulfur hexafluoride as a tracer Charles M. Hunt and Stephen J. Treado
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1976
A test method for determining the effect of thermal transients on pressure-transducer response John S. Hilten
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1976
Comparison of theoretical and experimental photoeffect data 0.1 keV to 1.5 MeV J. H. Hubbel and Wm. J. Veigele
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1976
An electrically calibrated pyroelectric radiometer system C. A. Hamilton; G. W. Day; R. J. Phelan
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1976
Development of proposed standards for testing solar collectors and thermal storage devices James E. Hill
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1976
NBS reactor summary of activities July 1974 to June 1975 Robert S. Carter
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1976
Trace Hydrocarbon analysis the National Bureau of Standards Prince William Sound, northeastern Gulf of Alaska; baseline study S. N. Chesler
Washington: Analytical Chemistry Div., Inst. for Materials Res., National Bureau of Standards, 1976
Deflection performance criteria for floors R. A. Christ and J. R. Shaver
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1976
An infrared spectrometer utilizing a spin flip Raman laser, IR frequency synthesis techniques, and CO2 laser frequency standards J. S. Wells
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1976
Note on a vibratory phenomenon arising in transducer calibration Richard Kraft
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1975
An experimental technique for the evaluation of thermal transient effects on piezoelectric accelerometers Carol F. Vezzetti and Paul S. Lederer
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1975
Interlaboratory Intercomparisons of radioactivity measurements using National Bureau of Standards mixed radionuclide test solutions B. M. Coursey; J. R. Noyce; J. M. R. Hutchinson
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1975
Gasoline and gasoline container fire incidents Elaine A. Tyrrell
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1975
A technical review of the Nicaraguan Building Regulatory System Richard N. Wright; Atilano Lamana
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1975
Occupant behavior in building fires Arthur I. Rubin and Arthur Cohen
Washington: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Evaluation of the column connections used in a precast concrete modular housing system Felix Y. Yokel and Thomas W. Reichard
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Advances in the measurement of rf power and attenuation using SQUIDs R. A. Kamper
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Tabulation of published data on electron devices of the USSR through December 1973 Charles P. Marsden
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Report on planning session on software engineering handbook Selden L. Stewart
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Concepts in quality software design from seminars at he National Bureau of Standards in 1972 conducted by S. Rao Kosaraju and Henry F. Ledgard. Ed., S. I. Stewart
Washington, DC: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Introduction to liquid flow metering and calibration of liquid flowmeters
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Review of reverberant sound power measurement standard and recommendations for further research D. Lubman and Associates
Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Barrier penetration tests
Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Burau of Standards, 1974
Dataplot 70 Fortran-callable ploting routines Carol V. Young; Philip G. Stein
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Design for the calibration of small groups of standards in the presence of drift Joseph M. Cameron; Geraldine E. Hailes
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
A fortran analyzer Gordon Lyon; Rona B. Stillman
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Cryogenic refrigerators an updated survey T. R. Strobridge
Washington: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Fire department ground ladders results of a preliminary study
Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Standard time and frequency its generation, control, and dissemination by the National Bureau of Standards
Washington: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
The use of weather and climatological data in evaluating the durability of building components and materials
Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Research considerations in computer networking to expand resource sharing
Washington: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Optical radiation measurements tables of diffraction losses W. B. Fussell
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
NBS reactor summary of activities July 1972 to June 1973 Robert S. Carter
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Computer system capacity fundamentals
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
A study of wind pressures on a single-family dwelling in model and full scale
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
State building regulatory programs for mobile homes and manufactured buildings a summary Patrick W. Cooke
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Cost analysis for computer communications Robert P. Blanc
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
A technical guide to computer-communications interface standards Albrecht J. Neumann
Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Detector actuated automatic sprinkler systems a preliminary evaluation
Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Burau of Standards, 1974
Reference materials for collaborative tests of Air quality methods Richard H. Johns; John K. Taylor
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
A bibliography of the russian reference data holdings of the library of the office of Standard reference data Gertrude B. Sherwood; Howard J. White
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Multicommodity network plotting via program NETPLT Zella G. Ruthberg, Gloria R. Bolotsky, William Slater
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Fire detection the state-of-the-art Richard L. P. Custer and Richard G. Bright
Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Burau of Standards, 1974
Controlled accessibility workshop report ed. by Susan K. Reed and Dennis K. Branstad
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Complete clear text representation of scientific documents in machine-readable form Blanton C. Duncan; David Garvin
Washington: U.S. Department of commerce, 1974
NBS cryogenic thermometry and the proposed cryogenic extension of the IPTS G. Cataland
Washington: US Department of Commerce, 1974
Government looks at privacy and security in computer systems Clark R. Renninger; Dennis K. Branstad
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
The thermophysical properties of methane, from 90 to 500 K at pressures to 700 Bar
Washington: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Properties of selected superconductive materials 1974 Supplement B. W. Roberts
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1974
The standards of time and frequency in the U.S.A. James A. Barnes
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
A mechanized information services catalog Marron Beatrice; Elizabeth Fong; Dennis Fife
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Development and construction of an electromagnetic near.field synthesizer
Washington: U. S. Department of Commerce, 1974
The present state of radiometry and photometry optical radiation measurements Bruce Steiner
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Scattering-matrix description and near-field measurements of electroacoustic transducers D. M. Kerns
Washington: U. S. Department of Commerce, 1974
Network management survey Ira W. Cotton
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Optical radiation measurements Describing spectrophotometric measurements William H. Venable and Jack J. Hsia
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Application of systems analysis to the operation of a fire department Ernst K. Nilsson; Joseph A. Swartz; Marilyn Westfall
Washington: US Department of Commerce, 1974
Approximate theory of the photometric integrating sphere W. B. Fussell
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
A guide to networking terminology A. J. Neumann
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Tensile behaviour of boron / epoxy-reinforced 7075-T6 aluminium alloy at elevated temperatures Daniel J. Chwirut
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1974
Critical two-phase flow for cryogenic fluids R. V. Smith; K. R. Randall; R. Epp
Washington, DC: Nat. Burau of Standards, 1973
Ventilation air inlets for dwellings M. Croiset and H. Bizebard
Washington: US Dep. of Commerce, 1973
Building performance in the 1972 Managua earthquake Richard N. Wright and Samuel Kramer
Washington: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1973
The smoke density chamber method for evaluating the potential smoke generation of building materials T. G. Lee
Washington: US Dep. of Commerce, 1973
Status report on primary frequency standards
Washington: U. S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Some aspects of the setting and hardening of gypsum plaster James R. Clifton
Washington, DC: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1973
The NBS Lead Paint Poisoning Project housing and other aspects Harvey W. Berger
Washington: U.S. Dep. of Commerce, 1973
Fire incidents involving sleepwear worn by children ages 6 - 12
Washington: US Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Durability and maintenance as related to the selection of flooring Winthrop C. Wolfe, Robert E. Roberts and Mortimer Russell
Washington: US Department of Commerce, 1973
A synchronous satellite time delay computer Wallace F. Hamilton; D. Wayne Hanson
Washington: Nat. Bureau of standards, 1973
Frequency and phase stabilization of an HCN laser by locking to synthesized reference
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
A rigorous correction procedure for quantitative electron probe microanalysis (COR 2.) Jean Henoc and Kurt F. J. Heinrich; Robert L. Myklebust
Washington: Nat. Bureau of Standards, 1973
Methods of measurement for semiconductor materials, process control, and devices quaterly report; Jan. 1 to March 31, 1973 ed. W. Murray Bullis
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Midas modular interactive data acquisition system - description and specification Charles H. Popenoe; Mack S. Campbell
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Studies of calibration standards used in the department of defense equipment oil analysis program
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
NBS corridor fire tests energy and radiation models Francis C. W. Fung; Miles R. Suchomel and Philip L. Oglesby
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Review of network management problems and issues A. J. Neumann
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Data communications system throughput performance using high speed terminals on the dial telephone network
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Heuristic cost optimization of the federal telpak network R. G. Saltman; G. R. Bolotsky and Z. G. Ruthberg
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Measurement of rf power and attenuation using superconducting quantum interference devices R. A. Kamper
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Time and frequency broadcast experiments from the ats-3 satellite D. W. Hanson; W. F. Hamilton
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
SETAB an edit/insert program for automatic ty pesetting of spectroscopic and other computerzed tables Robert C. Thompson; Joseph Hilsenrath
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Collaborative research program between NBS and indian scientific institutions special foreign currency program 1973 status ed. H. Steffen Preiser [u.a.]
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Methods of measurement for semiconductor materials, process control and devices quarterly report, Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 1972 ed.: W. Murray Bullis
Washington, D.C.: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Application of a non-ideal sliding short to two-port loss measurement M. P. Weidmann; G. F. Engen
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Methods of measurement for semiconductor materials, process control, and devices quaterly report; April 1 to june 30, 1973 ed. W. Murray Bullis
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Scanning electron microscope examination of wire bonds from high-reliability devices
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Theory of UHF and microwave measurements using the power equation concept
Washington, DC: Nat. Burau of Standards, 1973
NBS special foreign currency program in Yugoslavia 1971 - 1972 H. Steffen Peiser
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Fire service location-allocation models Donald Colner and David Gilsinn
Washington, D.C.: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Static language analysis
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
A study of six university-based information systems Beatrice Marron
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Survey of the properties of the hydrogen isotopes below their critical temperatures H. M. Roder
Washington: Nat. Bureau of standards, 1973
Directory of law enforcement and criminal justice associations and research centers B. J. Latka
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1973
Optical radiation measurements stability and temperature characteristics of some silicon and selenium photodetectors Mohan Kshitij; A. Russell Schaefer; Edward F. Zalewski
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
User procedures standardization for network access A. J. Neumann
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Methods for testing wire-bond electrical connections
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Dose calibrator pilot study S. B. Garfinkel; G. J. Hine
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Investigation of viscous flow in glass during phase separation Joseph H. Simmons [u.a.]
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Guidelines for selection of and use of foam Polyurethane roofing systems
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Frame an on-line correction procedure for quantitative electron probe microanalysis H. Yakowitz; R. L. Myklebust and K. F. J. Heinrich
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Controlled accessibility bibliography
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1973
Estimates of the nature and extent of lead paint poisoning in the United States Judith F. Gilsinn
Washington: U.S. Dep. of Commerce, 1972
Interior/exterior noise levels of over-the-road trucks report of tests William A. Leasure
Washington: U.S. Dep. of Commerce, 1972
Liquid densities of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and parahydrogen H. M. Roder, R. D. McCarty and V. J. Johnson
Washington: U.S. Gov. Print. Off., 1972
Superconducting quantum interference devices an operational guide for rf-biased systems D. B. Sullivan
Washington, DC: Nat. Burau of Standards, 1972
Thermophysical properties of helium-4 from 4 to 3000 R with pressures to 15000 Psia Robert D. McCarty
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Structural performance evaluation of innovative building systems Felix Y. Yokel and Norman F. Somes
Washington: US Department of Commerce, 1972
The Generation of an accurate and uniform time scale with calibrations and prediction
Washington, DC: Nat. Burau of Standards, 1972
Manual and computerized footprint identification J. H. Wegstein
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
The effects of magnetic fields on magnetic storage media used in computers
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
United States and Canadian fabric flammability standards
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Electromagnetic multipole transitions in the recoupling picture or electron scattering without curls J. S. O'Connell
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
The ideal Lovibond color system for CIE standard illuminants A and C shown in three colorimetric systems Geraldine W. Haupt; John C. Schleter; Kenneth L. Eckerle
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
NBS special foreign currency program in Israel 1970 - 71 H. Steffen Peiser and Max Klein
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Tensile creep of boron/epoxy and boron/epoxy-reinforced 7075-T6 aluminium alloy
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
A laser technique for investigating the effects of thermal transients on pressure transducer performance characteristics Paul S. Lederer and John S. Hilten
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
The flammable fabrics program 1971 report of activities under the flammable fabrics act 1971
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Longitudinal Magnetoresistance in polar semiconductors
Washington, D. C.: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Invariance of the cross ratio applied to microwave network analysis R. W. Beatty
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Computation of spectral data for a Josephson junction circuit E. G. Johnson [and] D. G. McDonald
Washington, DC: Nat. Burau of Standards, 1972
An X-ray diffraction method for determining the amount of austenite in an austenite-ferrite mixture
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Reactor radiation division annual progress report for the period ending Oct. 31, 1971 ed.: Robert S. Carter
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
A simple correction procedure for quantitative electron probe microanalysis Kurt F. J. Heinrich
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
A simple hydraulic sinusoidal pressure calibrator John S. Hilten; Paul S. Lederer; John Sethian
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Testing and fabrication of wire-bond electrical connections a comprehensive survey
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Torsional instabilities in composite and composite-reinforced Aluminium-alloy thin-walled cylinders
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Calibration of secondary standard magnetic tape cassettes (computer amplitude reference) : Phase 1
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
New regulation on ventilation of dwellings, fixed heating facilities and flues A. Chalandon [u.a.]
Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1972
Thermal comfort requirement adjacent to cold walls application to glazed opening J. Anquez and M. Croiset
Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1972
Use of an air-to-air heat exchanger to recover heat from air exhausted by mechanical ventilation P. Garrivier
Washington, DC: U. S. Government Printing Office, 1972
Matches and lighters in flammable fabric incidents the magnitude of the problem James A. Slater; Benjamin Buchbinder and Henry Tovey
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Organic chemistry section summary of activities, July 1970 to June 1971
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Optical radiation measurements fundamental principlesof philosophy of this NBS program (1968 to 1971)
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
WR 15 thermal noise standard W. C. Daywitt; W. J. Foote and E. Campbell
Washington, D. C.: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
WR 15 microwave calorimeter and bolometer unit a tutorial introduction
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Manual and automated Fingerprint registration
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Carrier lifetime measurement by the photoconductive decay method
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Subroutine for the calculation of CODEN check characters
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Frequency standards and clocks a tutorial introduction Robert D. McCarty amd Lloyd A. Weber
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Millimeter attenuation and reflection coefficient measurement system B. C. Yates and W. Larson
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
An evaluation of several cryogenic turbine flowmeters J. A. Brennan [u.a.]
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
COMBO a general purpose program for searching, annotating, encoding-decoding and reformatting data files Robert C. McClenon and Joseph Hilsenrath
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Tabulation of published data on electron devices of the USSR through December 1971 Charles P. Marsden
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Methods of measurement for semiconductor materials, process control and devices quarterly report; July 1 to Sept. 30, 1971 ed. W. Murray Bullis
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Methods of measurement for semiconductor materials, process control and devices quarterly report; Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 1971 ed. W. Murray Bullis
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Design, construction and testing of a new high accuracy spectrophotometer
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
A computer terminal network for transparent stimulation of the user of an on-line retrieval system
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
OMNITAB II Segmentation structure for the SCOPE operating system
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
A universal dropout Tester for magnetic storage media
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Critical evaluation of data in the physical sciences a status report on the national standard reference data system, June 1972 es. Stephen A. Rossmassler
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Activation analysis a bibliography through 1971 ed. by G. J. Lutz
Washington, DC, 1972
Optical radiation measurements Photometric instrumentation and research (1970 to 1971) Edward F. Zalewski [u.a.]
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Optical radiation measurements photometric calibration procedures Velma I. Burns; Donald A. McSparron
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1972
Properties of selected superconductive materials (Supersedes and extends NBS Technical Note 482) B. W. Roberts. United States / National Bureau of Standards
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, 1972
Electrochemical analysis section summary of activities, July 1970 to June 1971
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1971
Accelerometer calibration with the earth's field dynamic calibrator John S. Hilten
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1970
A systems programmer's guide for implementing OMNITAB II Sally T. Peavy, Ruth N. Varner and Shirley G. Bremer
Washington, DC: National Bureau of Standards, 1970
Saturated liquid densities of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and parahydrogen H. M. Roder, R. D. McCarty and V. J. Johnson
Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1968
Microwave attenuation measurement system <series substitution> Wilbur Larson
Washington: National Bureau of Standards, 1947